Happy Juneteenth fellow faggots!

Happy Juneteenth fellow faggots!

Reminder that they will never do for us what we have done for them

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what did xe mean by this

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Darkies demanding your solidarity while they beat, rape and kill you for sport will never not be hilarious.

never relax

american fags be like
>yeah they are murdering us on a daily basis but jogger lives matter!!!

>umm didn't you know that all racial minorities want to kill trannies?
>that's why you can only trust us republicans

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Wow this is unambiguous.

european fags be like
> yeah fuck niggers but also fuck kikes

and i just think that's beautiful

why would i care whether "they" have done anything for me or not


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lol no, european fags be like
>fuck gypsies

>white trannies should live in fear because black people are hate crimeing other black people

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in case anyone didn't read this: it shows black people are on average much more pro-trans than white people despite all the insane nazis who post here dozens of times a day about how black people are the mortal enemy

is that why I keep readin about them murdering trannies in Dallas LMAO

have you ever considered that the news might be preying upon people's pre-existing paranoias and prejudice

No. You only hear about them because media is cherry picking tranny murders. I think trannies were in similar risks of getting murdered as general population and white trannies were even less likely.

wow i can't believe that minorities would be more likely to be sympathetic to the struggle of minorities

minoritys tend to support other minoritys because they know what its like to have to fight for rights. the boymoders here with male privlege have never had that so they think being racist makes them cool when it just makes them fucking assholes

If you actually lived around blacks you'd start to see why so many people are racist. Well, to clarify, black men in particular. Black women are usually pretty sweet, and I feel just as bad for them that they have to put up with the shit they do from black dudes, but I don't really hold anything against them, I just pity them.
If you're LGBT or a tranny especially then associating with black dudes is dumb, if not down right dangerous.

how do you say this utter incoherent nonsense and not realize how retarded you sound

Turning this board against blacks is the best things Any Forums has done to further warp the absolute nutcases that browse this board.
Keep going on this racist shit, I'm sure you'll be spared the day of the rope or be validated in your contrarianism, w/e it is you were trying to do.

What did I say that was wrong? If you're a tranny and live in an area with a large amount of black people, men in particular, then you're at a much higher risk of being hate crimed/harassed/etc. You'll experience that yourself first hand if you lived in an area with a high % of black people. LGBT ppl need to be cognizant of this if they want to stay safe.

i know plenty of black dudes and this is bullshit. the only people who give me trouble are conservative incel white boy types

Conservative white guys at most will just call you names or seethe silently, black dudes will get physical with you if they feel offended simply from you existing as a tranny near them.

there is no us or them I'm an individual and I live in America live land of the free you people are just as bad as the radical left

lol no they don't. You really need a black guy to dick you down