Ghosted by another guy who said he would never ghost me

>ghosted by another guy who said he would never ghost me
im never gonna get a boyfriend :’(

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To get a boyfriend you have to be an actual girl

lol got eem

I will never ghost you soph, date me instead

Have you tried meeting people in places other than Discord? I mean, that's what I would do, if I were like you

That sucks...
I'm sorry this happened to you :(

>I'm sorry this happened to you :(

im too insecure + im at home hntil college working 5 days a week to not get super bored

try to be less mentally ill with the next one

its funny because thats pretty much what the guy said
i dont think i was being too mentally ill
i thought things were going really well
then he just stopped responding entirely
im at work rn but i just wanna go home and cry its always been like this itll always be like this :(

>its funny because thats pretty much what the guy said
Online friendships are worthless
100% trash-tier worthless
The only reason to pursue any kind of online relationship is because you actually want to feel miserable 100% of the time
There's a reason why people over the age of 14 don't do this Discord shit
It's because they all know better

yeahhh ik. i just dont have anything else
i dont really leave my house except for going to work and laser and manicures
i want to try to change it when i go back to college but realistically im just gonna fall back into the same patterns of avoiding any and all new possible relationships with anyone
and im just gonna be. alone in my apartment getting high by myself watching my roommates leave to go to a party then i’ll sit there in a dark empty apartment and cry my eyes out until i get too tired to keep my eyes open then i’ll do the same thing the next day

>alone in my apartment getting high by myself
Yeah, you're miserable because you are getting high, you're not getting high because you are miserable

Everyone already knows this is true


i was miserable before i started grtting high and im miserable now

same except i don't get high. good luck OP wish you the best

>i was miserable before i started grtting high and im miserable now
No, you are miserable because you have mental health issues you are trying to resolve using drugs rather than what actually works, which is leading a healthy-ish lifestyle

Why do you think everyone on Any Forums is miserable nearly all the time? It can't be the world's most amazing coincidence can it

i have unresolvable* mental health issues

>i have unresolvable* mental health issues
No-one has unresolvable mental health issues, that's just the narcissism talking

A few generations ago people would watch their entire families die of bubonic plague in less than a day and they still managed to get on with their lives

kill him

I would get high with you user, we could do drugs together and have fun lil parties