Figuring it out - Experienced Trans MtF please help

Same old thing all over again...
Forgive me if anything sounds transphobic, because that's not my intention.
>>TL;DR: I dont feel like I have the mentality for it, but I still feel like I want to do it, currently above anything else in this world.

So according to DSM 5 I feel like I check on every criteria about wanting to transition.
>>A marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and primary and/or secondary sex characteristics
>>A strong desire to be rid of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics because of a marked incongruence with one’s experienced/expressed gender
>>A strong desire for the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the other gender
>>A strong desire to be of the other gender
>>A strong desire to be treated as the other gender

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All except for:
>>A strong conviction that one has the typical feelings and reactions of the other gender.
I could somewhat agree with the feelings, but the reactions and the way I talk and even try to push myself to talk just doesn't feel like... like I'm good enough...
Although I feel this about myself, I also think that many people might be feeling similar. Considering how they always come asking if they're trans and how hard they feel about it, but rarely do I hear about their actual mentality of it.

As someone whos gonna be 30 in a few days (and felt this way since 14 I think, but repressed because of my own beliefs, not the usual church goer but something much more raw and brutal-tribal like - all always just to prove myself to ghosts'n'stuff), I feel like I'm prepared to risk everything, even being a hon and hide myself boymoding for the time being - even though I realized before that I would need lotsa surgeries I dont have money for, I recently got this confirmed from an asian guy from tedtalk (thats about 17mins long - can link if yall want) who said how surgeries are a cure for dysphoria. I dont fully believe it's a cure and whilst he somewhat confirmed it to me it would be better for me considering how I currently look. But it didnt change my opinion about it too much, in a way that would make me feel hopeless.

So in the end:
I think I have a slight idea of how women think, it's just hard to get on that level - just like voice training I suppose, youre very limited, at least in the beginning.

I have many motivations for this and I just dont see myself stop - but one IRL thing that I did was getting dolled up for masquerades and how that 1 guy almost thought until I opened my mouth.
But the other thing I've heard slightly about is how MtFs said how HRT brought them mental changes like feeling more emotional, closer to people and the ability to talk and to talk and never stop talking.

It all sounds so dreamy and after all these years after SUCH a long long time, I've looked under every nook and cranny, but I just can't find answers other than trying to do this myself.

ur a tranny harry

Thanks Haggrid, your unconditional friendship will always be treasured

I feel like anyone that has to agonize over this question is probably not transgender but you are definitely still able to do it if you want

I so hate hearing that, but maybe you are right? who knows.
I know I could try but not sure whether I'd just be shooting myself in the foot.

On the other hand tho, doesn't that contradict the DSM 5? Wouldn't be eating myself over that question make me more eligible for transition?

It litterally doesn't matter at all what label you are to the actions you are going to do apart from the action of labelling yourself to other people.

You can still transition and not be dysphoric, you can take HRT and not be dysphoric, you can not like your body and not be dysphoric and you can change your name and ask for different pronouns and not be dysphoric.

Labelling yourself can be helpful, but what's most helpful is just make changes that make you happier in your own body

do you want the benifits of hrt?
are the drawbacks worth it?
if yes then pills

You wanna be YOU or be "transgender"? that's the right question!

What I mean is, there shouldn’t be so much doubt. Regardless if you don’t like the outcome you can just quit HRT later, most of the changes will disappear with weightloss

Thank you

I dont have anyone who supports me, but I've told like 3 friends so far, my local trans community and some of the strangers ive met - there wasnt too much negativity or positivity.
But I just really want to do this one thing for myself. I dont expect it to solve my life, I hope it wont become worse within me, but I do hope it would make things a tiny bit better.

I always answered yes to that question, but I can't tell what it would do to me in reality.

Good question.
I feel and hope like HRT would help me find the girl inside me - well a woman now, considering the age I will soon be

good things, hopefully
you're unlikely to be a mutant who reacts in an incredibly nonstandard way
they're human hormones, after all.

I might take a long time after being on HRT to realize whether if its wrong or right, methinks.
The only problem I see would be getting surgery to remove breasts if I would feel dysphoric.. but honestly I think I'd still keep em and tell people I have gynecomastia even though I feel wrong sayin that by abusing the word because people actually have that and get dysphoric about it.

Unable to make kids is ok with me, because I dont think I have good genes for it, I think id rather adopt in that case

please help me further, youve all been so kind and good thus far

Bumping again

there's not much more to be said

cant you be trans if youre neurotic and have lots of self doubts?

yeah bisexuals have very low iq's please be kind

Thank you and for your opinion aswell
Was wondering if hrtgen is still alive these days because I havent seen it for a while