Be me

>be me
>be gay
>get a boyfriend
>we're pretty happy together
>boyfriend mentioned how he likes gick
>how he really, really likes gick
>he's constantly talking about gick
>constantly bringing up gick supremacy
>makes me a bit self-conscious about my wiener

how the fuck do i compete with his love of gick? do i transition? do i become genderfluid? im literally none of those, but they feel like they're my only options when it comes to this competition with gick

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You can't bend your gender into fitting to someone's preference kek just chill out.

don't lie to op
op you can be whatever your partner says you are
idk what a glick is but it sounds disgusting and you should probably rethink your life though.

your boyfriend is a weirdo faggot and you're weirder faggoter for considering transitioning to feed his fetish

What gick? Girl dick? IF that's what he's saying, maybe he's dropping a big hint. He wants to transform you, elevate you to a more natural state and fulfill you by making you his wife.

You're dating a bisexual, he's gonna troo out before you do.

I imagine it's girl dick. user is considering transition to please his chaser bf.

yeah gick stands for girl dick. also pretty sure that he sent me a link to an imgur album that was intended for slut training but i was extremely high that night so im even sure if it was real

All that just so he can live vicariously though the OP kek

Oh user

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link it please? also yeah hrt is super fun you should try it.

Your bf is a troon op, my condolences

take your pills bottom

>hrt is super fun you should try it
i'll just do cardio and heroin and achieve the same results

That's fucked up, he shouldn't even consider it to please a gay man. Now considering it because most men like a more feminine form, as well as plainly woman, now that's a point of consideration possible.
Honestly what gay man focuses that heavily on dick. It's just normal for them, sounds like a little more fruity than being gay, a wanting in his bf's heart... a desire he's to cowardly to attempt himself.
I wont lie to you user, HRT is pretty cash, and feel natural as fuck for a twink, or fem gay.
But your bf should enjoy you, and not apply this kind of pressure. It's shameless.

If you do it, do it for your self.

I did that for 15 years, and still not even close to transition.
Heroin doesn't suppress testosterone enough.

You're not seriously shooting dope, right?

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so you do want the results? :(
your boyfriend knows you better than you do.

why would you care if they're shooting dope or not, you narc

my bf is friends with a lot of transbians. one of which stated that my bf was her boytoy in a platonic sense, so maybe

No I was being prescribed morphine and methadone for pain at 16, then started shooting dope on top of all that. But I've been clean for almost 5 years, stopped the moment I learned about HRT.

Still have some though.

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Some fag pressuring you into transitioning is not good boyfriend material.

Get out before it gets weirder.

Your bf is friends with transbians?? Wtf kind of gay man is he? You know he's either fucking around, or being that attached to a group of trannies, or trannies in general is a sign of massive chasing... or being a crypto tranny.

>HRT is pretty cash, and feel natural as fuck for a twink, or fem gay
two things: 1, doesn't HRT reduce sperm count and basically fuck up your chances of having kids if you ever decide to get off it? 2, are fem gays just gay femboys or something entirely? new phrases and terms and shit are made up constantly that i can't keep up with it all

>Bisexual man is a closet tranny
More news at 11

it's probably expired you should throw it out
do not do this
this is true

Typically if you quit hrt, your fertility recovers in 3-5 months. After 5+ years your chances of regaining it go down, but the majority still do.

It's not really a big issue. Feminine gays you could think of as twinks and femboys, or massive gay face, flamers, sensitive girly fag's.

Just feminine gays basically.
Yes it is a sign of something fishy all right...
And It's not expired, heroin doesn't really degrade that much over time. But it would probably be better to throw it out, but the thought of losing my pain med's any time scares me, and having it will give me a few days of strength to navigate it.

they're all online friends. chatted with a few of them before, they're alright.
i think he experimented with being trans or nonbinary but im not sure. i don't want to ask because it's not really up to me if he wants to tell me or not

>just feminine gays basically
fuck, that sounds hot. thanks for the rundown