How accurate to the truth is the text on picrel?

how accurate to the truth is the text on picrel?

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who cares

meh it's not that hard to use the right pronouns, regardless of what I read you as so it's just being disrespectful

It's true and it's based.

>disregarding people's feelings is based

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>unless you're doing it with estrogen then it's...Le BAD!

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i mean that's probably very close to the actual meaning of based

the actual meaning of "based" is behaving like a crackhead

You’re disregarding my feelings by being a sinful creepy tranny

no Lil B said it’s about positivity and tolerance

No one cares cucks, death of the nigger) says that it now means being racist and transphobic, and that’s a good thing.

they really put a lot of energy into the nietszchean ubersociopath thing for people who break down seething and try to involve the federal government if they don't like what you're doing with your body


I win. (By declaring I win, you cannot argue anymore because I won the argument)

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>refer to someone in the way that you and others see them
>“bad” person
>pretend not to see someone a certain way and lie to them because their entire identity revolves around whatever other people think of them
>“good” person

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yeah it is kind of funny how polnigs managed to reinvent both third-worldism (BASED muslim savages!) and duranty-ass russoapologism (the kgb says ukraine runs drugs so actually the foreign invader is more based than the ex-comedian who stayed behind to fight them off) and open borders shit (whites are faggots and need mexican catholicism)

>because their entire identity revolves around whatever other people think of them
this is just how identity works. if you were the only human you’d have no use for one

>giving snowflakes the air of publicity and attention

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are polfags really saying any of this?

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look at the image that post is replying to