Voice training is a scam created by voice teachers to funnel money from dumb trainnies to smart trannies...

Voice training is a scam created by voice teachers to funnel money from dumb trainnies to smart trannies, it's actually quite ingenious

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Hah yeah you guys should give money to me instead for no reason


I'm a cis woman who pretends to be a trans woman to trick them into paying me for voice lessons

no user is right user is RIGHT

Attached: 1558041103696.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

Evil, but you have my blessings as anyone who pays for voice lessons deserves to lose their money

Voice passers are psychopaths. They are sadistic and cruel, and will at ANY opportunity post a humblebrag vocaroo filled with insults at people who want to learn voice training.

too trueeee bestie
voice training for a year and still sound like this. im probably gonna get a voice coach
voca.ro/1bfxnP9Xo2RJ voca.ro/1nJre6bZCbDH voca.ro/1ezfHuWGR53K voca.ro/1geg58BZygJ6


mine wasn't a humblebrag vocaroo :( i just thought it was funny did you listen to it and still say that because i didn't mean for it to be like that :(


It's always just a laugh for voice passers. Voice passers have no empathy, voice strugglers are in constant mental anguish and get attacked at every opportunity just for having the audacity to want a passing voice. It's exhausting and soul destroying.

sophie ur voice is perfectly passable stop being brainwormed and dont get a voice coach you dont need it


but i wasn't attacking voice strugglers at all :(

The voice passer trip psychopaths are literally all the same. They could spend one minute typing out a simple explanation for how to practice, what to practice, what worked for them, what didn't work for them etc. But instead they will make vocaroo after vocaroo hurling insults. It's all a game to boost their ego. "Look at how much my voice passes, while you're doesn't. You're just lazy, unlike me". Every single time. They actively search for people who are at their lowest, hurting and then kick them while they're down as hard as they can. Despite the fact that they're attacking people who just want the same thing they have. It's absolutely insane.


I just did the adams apple lift trick, felt my chest and tried to minimize resonance vibrations by experimenting, you just kinda tighten your pipes and direct air further back away from the front

Actually instead of minimizing chest resonance you may wanna feel right above your chest where your throat meets it easier to feel from there

>voice teachers
>funnel money

You guys pay someone to teach you? Youtube is RIGHT THERE

Attached: 1654101459320.png (1024x604, 141.26K)

And you feel with your fingers, literally feel for vibration and minimize it btw sorry being nonspecific


uwu thanks boymoda! Feelin FRESH

Listened for about two seconds. This is obviously just a humblebrag vocaroo where you 'show off' your range and control. I guarantee you don't go into detail at all about what you practiced, you just say "I practiced, you could pass if you just practiced but you're garbage unlike me"


I just told you what to do

Swallow and feel your adams apple go up. Try to train your muscles (baby steps, you do not want to be sore) to keep your adam's apple up. Now this isn't exactly what you do with your throat but it starts to strengthen your muscles and teach you how to constrict your larynx.

Once you're good at that start learning how to constrict your larynx further down. Again baby steps do not get sore. Put your finger on the bottom of your throat where it meets your chest and feel how it vibrates when you speak. You want to eventually minimize that while directing air through constricted larynx. You can also think about it as directing toward the roof of your mouth. Just exercise, experiment, talk, read lines. That is all I did for like 4-6 months and I have a serviceable tranny girl voice
