/gaygen/ gay general


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poopy butt

Bored and horny

>halfway through pride month
>still no bf
Just kill me now, honestly.

legalizing homosexuality was a mistake

sissy is so unbelievable cute wtf

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why is the butt poopy

good night gaygen. i hope this image does not haunt my dreams

Would top all of them

advice/tips/gadgets for having a smooth/shaved body (but most importantly sack and crack)?
peach fuzz fags need not reply, seeking gays with decent hair growth (full shave once a week)

user, are you actively looking for bf or just complaining about it on this basket weaving forum?

that pic is like 5 years old

You know damn well that I'm not looking, user.


Why do you complain then, u gay butt

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Having a whisky

how expensive is that and what are the downsides?

Complaining's just easier. :v
I'm a 3/10 goblin anyway, so there's no point in me looking in the first place.

kind of pricy unless you buy your own machine
it also doesn't work on every hair type
but it's pretty much the only permanent solution other than electrolysis

either get an epilator (works well but hurts a lot) or do laser

oh yeah baby, it's Starfield time

Post pic fgt
And: Nothing is too ugly for a hookup, if all else fails we can still use the paper bag trick

do you have a cute ass

Should I get myself a monitor? There's a discount for this monitor that looks good. It could increase my productivity but at the same time it uses alot of energy and electricity is expensive especially atm. and ofc it'll take up space on my table

People always got to wash em at their ends

Black ass best ass

double monitor for double success

Learning how to deal with bottoms :)

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>Post pic fgt
Every time I have you assholes just hugbox and laugh to yourselves, so no.
Hank Hill ass.

I agree.

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Starfield looks like a Skyrim mod... who would've thought.

I haven't seen them yet, so post your goblin pics! My standards are so low I don't think you'd disappoint me

>you get to pick one bottom between Heart and Texanon
Which one do you pick and why?

I've never been to pride before :(

i choose both

i pick heart, tex is damaged goods, can't be fixed