/HRTGen/ HRT General #453 PS3 Edition

Previous thread: • Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

▶ Survey data:1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis:1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets:1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID:drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank:drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT:apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf
▶ HRT ranges:hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
▶ Powers Method:powersfamilymedicine.com/s/Healthcare-of-the-Transgender-Patient-V60.pptx
▶ Endocrine Society Guidelines:academic.oup.com/jcem/article/102/11/3869/4157558
▶ Transline Guidelines (with bicalutamide):transline.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/360047702053/TransLine_HRT_Guidelines_FINAL.pdf
▶ WPATH SOC:wpath.org/publications/soc
▶ TransDIY:reddit.com/r/transDIY
▶ Blood tests (US):privatemdlabs.com/,https://www.labsmd.com/
▶ Blood tests (UK, Ireland):medichecks.com/
▶ Blood tests (Canada Only):bloodtestscanada.com/
▶ Blood tests (Sweden)werlabs.se/
▶ Blood tests by mail:letsgetchecked.com/- DIY capillary blood samples. Expensive.
▶ Lab test guide:healthcare.uiowa.edu

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god this board really is dying, hrt gens just cant stay afloat

I think it's mostly people making thread about literally any minor thing that happens in their lives, plus a lot of off-topic threads.
This general, like /vtg/, has a group of people that keep coming back to it, but that only works up until a certain board speed threshold.
Maybe this board could get some tripfag drama pruning like /cgl/ got years ago.

How long will meds stay stuck in origin processing when ordering from inhouse? Im going crazy checking tracking every 5 min

Are otokonoko estradiol pills any good for sublingual?

When do I stop getting random boners. I'm 3 months in and they just don't seem to stop

are you on spiro

Mine just went away with age, pre everything

Not a joke, just wondering: is it safe to crush up 2mg estradiol and snort it?

But why?

That's not the question we're looking to answer, the question is if it's safe

I'm making a flyer to hand out to other trans people at London Trans Pride containing info that isn't commonly known. This is separate to my DIYpilling efforts since I didn't really want to plaster DIY info across flyers this big that might get littered and seen by cis people. One thing I've included, for example, is that you can maxx hairline regrowth with minox + dermarolling, and I'm also going to include links to charities fundraising specifically for PoC, sex worker, and disabled trans folks.

I wanted to maybe include some stuff about E1:E2 and encouraging stalled boob development and that sort of thing, but I don't know enough about it to speak with authority, is there a clear picture yet on e.g. how to un-stall breast development e.g. by mixing oral and sublingual estrogen some of the time to introduce E1:E2 variation which is what I did? Or any such fat distribution maxxing etc.? I don't feel comfortable including stuff on pio yet til we have a clearer picture of the cardiovascular risks.

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Whoops, trip on, me

i actually wonder how effective it is
like the reason people snort drugs is for them to dissolve better, right? what if this way is actually better than putting it under the tongue?

everything is for mtfs and im slow, what should i be taking if im a ftm who wants to start diy? can i just buy any steroid

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btw op is a faggot and forgot to post a second picture

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We aren't allowed to discuss it here without getting banned for discussion of activity illegal in the US, I got a month ban last time I brought it up

then wtf is the point just make this a second mtf gen


So back to this

I've wondered the same. I doubt it'll kill ya, but I don't think it'll be effective