got trannies out of the american news cycle

> got trannies out of the american news cycle
> made liberals go back to cis feminism, thus acquiescing the weight of terf arguments that “trannies are antifeminist”
> all major troons like Hontra and toob are supporting her, which is good optics

Is she literally our savior?

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I heard she's bi, is it true?

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All women are

kek, unironically reviving MRA movements in the right and de-emphasizing the MRA elements of pro-trans activism (“framing ‘men’ or ‘males’ as the problem is TERF rhetoric” discourse) is probably the best short-term way to hit back at the cuckservative anti-tranny wave

making trannies look like unbased radical leftists is not a w

Well, she has borderline personality disorder, so yes.

She has an ex-wife, so yes

holy shit she absolutely is. who tf would want to be on johnny depp's side??

>got FFS
she's just like me :)

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Agreed, appeal to men/some MRA talking points would be a better counter. Terfs will never fully incorporate men into their ingroup.

i took her side the moment thousands of creepy little men started yelling at her to start an onlyfans after the court decided she had to pay a few million out to depp for defamation

you support amber heard because she is unintentionally helping trans optics, i support her because i want an insane bipedo gf to beat me up. we are not the same

My idea is making anti-tranny conservatives MRAs again, so that trannies and feminists become part of the same coalition

>i want an insane bipedo gf to beat me up
oh shit same

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>trannies are antifeminist”
I am literally an anti-feminist tranny though, and we are.

I have been saying for the last year that for as long as society at large sees trans women as men playing dress up, our rights are an MRA issue, not a feminist one.


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Every single pound has like an inverse threefold effect on female attractiveness holy fuck

youre the exception

Not for long.

5-10 years from now people will look back with horror at the way the entire Internet treated Amber Heard. At that point the same people that were caught up in the mass hysteria against her will pretend they always believed her.
Oh but don't worry, even then not much will change. The same people patting themselves on the back now for helping raise awareness of male DV victims will then pat themselves on the back for fighting for women's liberation. Meanwhile domestic abuse victims (almost all of whom are women, at least among cis people; also most violence against men, surprise surprise, is commited by other men) will still be treated as liars, manipulators, hysterical, abusive and so on, and their abuser will walk scots free, just like it was before this trial and like it's always been.

>2 more weeks

Yes. I'll screencap that post now.
See you in 5 years.