Does this make me a chaser?

I've always been bi, had crushes on boys and girls alike growing up. As I got older I found myself to be more attracted to feminine traits than masculine ones. Looks are obviously important but what I find most important is their personalities.

I usually prefer mtf or feminine boys because I find their personalities more interesting. They're often kinda edgy, more like a bro that just looks cute. I dont care if they are pre or post op, since while I can enjoy a pp and vag equally, they're not really my main attraction to a person.

Am I still a chaser for more often than not preferring the troons here over boring tiktok cis girls? When does it stop being a preference and a 'fetish' or w/e chasers chase for?

Attached: hi.png (680x1750, 924.27K)

why would you post a pic of yourself looking like shit?

nah doesn't sound like chaser tendencies. good view on things and seem like you actually give a shit other than fucking a trans girl for a fetish. also nice bod bro

WIP. I gained like 5kg during lockdown, working hard to lose it before summer.

Okay that's the answer I was looking for. Thank you for the kind words

You sound like a fag who loves dick. I think the whole “I like them for their personality” is code I like them for their dick. Just admit your a faggot. Also chasers don’t like other men pls don’t associate with us

I do like dick, but also love vags. As I said though, idc if someone is post-op or is planning to get it.

No need to get mean about it ^^

I don't think they look like shit desu, they have a strong looking build with wide shoulders and imo it's a good bodyfat... kinda strongman-ish... idk its nice..

you're just greek

You are straight

I consider myself a chaser, despite not being super far off from where you are viewpoint wise. There's definitely the stereotypical fat guy who has jerked off to too much futa hentai and gets super weird about it and I would distance myself from that. For me, I'm just attracted to cute and feminine people and am just not scared of a penis. So I like women, femboys, and MtF but femboys and MtFs tend to catch my eye, frankly because they've had hard lives. Not like their suffering is appealing to me, but to make it to adulthood without winding up in a nuthouse in the face of shit like dysphoria and bigotry you have to have traits I find really appealing. You have to be able to build a strong support system out of a chosen family, you have to have such an ambition to be who you are that you didn't let what's "normal" and easier change you, things like that. Not to say every MtF is just an amazing person and my perfect soulmate, or that there's not also downsides to those trials, but there's enough correlation that I'm less dismissive than I would be of any other random person.

Interesting. Not sure if you come from a perspective of empathy or some hero complex.

There's plenty of cis girls that have pretty hard lives. My cis ex has chronic migraines for example and everyday was a battle for her too. Shit was hard, for both of us. I don't think that same aspect attracts me more or less to anyone, it's the person itself that counts.

So it really comes down to interests, after the initial attraction that you get from appearances ofc.

Thank you c:

European but not Greek!

I wish, would spare me a lot of stigmatization in this unfair world.

>Not sure if you come from a perspective of empathy or some hero complex
Neither? Somewhere between? I just don't feel like I could get along with mushbrained people who are auto-piloting through life or people so unresilient that they think having a grilfriend with chronic migraines is in the same tier of hardship. Also, duh women can suffer and I'm also attracted to women, as I said so I don't know what kind of point you think you're making. Also also, again, I'm not attracted to the suffering it just acts as a kind of filter, my ex was a rich girl, so she never had to be really tested but I still believed she could handle it if something came up in the future and she was in fact really ambitious

w.. where in europe...

>>that they think having a grilfriend with chronic migraines is in the same tier of hardship.
This is offensive. I'm not here to compare suffering but this just makes it clear you have no idea what the pain she suffers is like. It's not a contest bro.

As for the rest. I wasn't criticizing you, was just trying to say that out of both the trans and cis people I know. I believe that suffering isn't exclusive to trans. Guess I just didn't understand why you'd want to chase that certain thing.

The land of omega-tall people.

netherlands? If so I've been there! It's nice there desu

Yes. I'm very lucky to have been born in the better part of the world.

Life is pretty chill here. Where are you from?

>You sound like a fag who loves dick.
Better be a faggot than a tranny repressor
In your case, you are both

UK sadly, it's rough out here! + gotta deal with the weird ogre genes I inherited from my inbred ancestors

>It's not a contest bro
Is that why you felt the need to bring up how hard it was for YOU to see her deal with it? Because that's what I would consider offensive.

Chaser doesn't have a hard definition.
Some will say no because you're not a pump-n-dump fuckboy, some will say yes because you like trans women at all outside of the only acceptable "I thought you were a perfect ethereal female but I guess I'm alright with your genital faults haha" scenario, some will say you're a chaser because your language sounds 'chasery' (i.e. bad) saying shit like feminine boys, toons, pp, etc

Ah. I love the UK though. We always tend to inflate our self-perceived flaws, that just proves you're human.

Even so, your accent surely makes up for it ^^

Yes? I'm not perfect and never claimed I was. Imagine seeing someone literally pass out from pain and feeling utterly helpless about it. How is that not hard on anyone?

Idk maybe I just misunderstood what you wrote because this isn't making sense to me anymore lol. Let's just drop this whole side-topic.