Poonbro… you will not be forgotten, dood. An heroing is incredibly malebrained. Your sacrifice will not be in vain

Poonbro… you will not be forgotten, dood. An heroing is incredibly malebrained. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.

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this is the opposite to 1964 apparently

An heroing is stupid, don’t an hero it will destroy the lives of everyone around you

saving trans kids from the evil liberals by destroying their families, sending their mom to jail and making them kill themselves. epic conservative moment

He didn't succeed though, which is fembrained

LMAO attempted suicides are a female thing.
Men successfully accomplish it.

that's because Women do it for attention. They're gonna slit their wrist juuuuuuust as their roommate is about to enter.
Or kick the pedestal loud enough for their parents downstairs to hear it.

Men commit sucide because they really want to end it all. Shotgun to the face. Or jump a 50 story building. No bullshit.

If this child survived, then they failed at /suicidepassing/,

Next time commit and be done with it, or don't even bother calling yourself a man.

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>An heroing is incredibly malebrained.
suiciding and succeeding? malebrained af
suicide "attempts" are just half-hearted cries for attention and are inherently femalebrained

in this case, the pooner tried to an hero but failed, which results in a net negative to his masculinity score

Honestly that's a very bad PR move from the republican, both sort and long term

I thought he’d succeeded. Got the timeline mixed up. Damn, I wonder how a successful trans suicide would’ve affected public opinion.

>Damn, I wonder how a successful trans suicide would’ve affected public opinion.
Literally zero. Trans people suicide all the time and conservatives make jokes about it.

Why are pooners so fembrained? Any scientific explanation for this phenomenon?

we found another one papa

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I don't mean picrel itself but the law that say you can abduct a trans kid and put the parent to jail
It's gonna create incredible ressent and it wont just be the immediate family
When the feds/police attack the parents and the child for "wrong lifestylism" it's like attacking the entire concept of family, that's what fascists don't understand with this shit they always go overboard with it as soon as they have power

>I wonder how a successful trans suicide would’ve affected public opinion.
"he- I mean she killed herself because liberals groomed her, we need to ban HRT"

Stop abusing, grooming, and molesting your kids

Leelah Alcorn’s death literally caused the transgender tipping point of 2015.

Like yeah no one usually cares but if it’s one case that gets a lot of traction it can. Not to encourage an heroing, it won’t make you a legend, don’t do it. But if it did, there’s a non-negligible chance it could swing the moderates back into “trans people suffer from dysphoria and need medical treatment” angle.

and the troon hunt has begun

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Please stay away from that child, pedopriest.

You first

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no one abused this kid except the state you fucking ghoul

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Arrested, not convicted.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was made by mass false reports of the LGBT community.
You clowns are vengeful like that with cancel culture.

Yeah, literally you.


The cope