I have spent the past ~year making a new typology of transexuals based of blanchards

I reclassify HSTS as a subset of transmaxxer, both being noticeably male if you interact with them but HSTS knowing how to function more as women. Other than that I think my choices wouldn't be too controversial, should I make a hour long youtube video about my findings. I have done a lot of research on transsexuals both online and irl from being trans myself. Would you watch. I found a total of 5 distinct archetypes for all transexuals and have also done research on how likely an FTM vs MTF is to fall into each

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please dont derail my thread i need to gauge interest. plus youre a boymoder so probably memetic transsexual or AGP and therefore your opinion doesn't matter

what are the 5 types

for fuck's sake the last thing we need is "alpha-beta-omega-sigma" dynamics for troons.

Trans maxxers
Memetic Transexuals
True transexuals(very rare, estimating it to be around 20% of trans people with the majority of trans people likely including me being memetic transsexual)

these are all regardless of sexuality, although if we isolated the true transexuals they would likely have the same straight to gay ratio as cis people.

>plus youre a boymoder so probably memetic transsexual or AGP
why's that?

How are true transexuals rare if they make up 20% of trans people while at the same time there are 5 types. 1/5th is 20%.

boymoders are the most likely to be true transsexuals. they experience the most extreme dysphoria and unlike men (like women) they recognize that their comfort is less important than appeasing those around them

true transexuals don't need to boymode, trans brain theory requires a hormone imbalance in the womb to develop a feminized brain, hormones in the womb usually also affect physical development and will result in more effeminate or even intersex men IMO, these are the only people I've seen who pass, and most just feel and act like women. there's a lot more to it and that but again it would take me like an hour to go through all the categories so I won't go into much detail

memetic transexuals make up a large portion of trans people so rare in comparison to that.

I would watch it and I would probably share it on kiwi farms to read the terfs discourse on it

there are two types of boymoders
type 1: boymodes because they can't look like the woman they envision themselves as
type 2: boymodes out of concern for others around them whether or not they could pass

what about bdd
>trutrans = passers
instantly do not give a shit about anything you say

>likely including me being memetic transsexual)
You sound incredibly based
Possibly too based for YouTube tbqh

what's the breakdown on the percentages.
we have true transexuals with 20%.
Memetric transexuals take up an even larger percentage.
so that means we have 60% or less to dish out to the trenders, trans maxxers, and agps.
give me the deets

that's the same person just worded differently

>Trans maxxers
>Memetic Transexuals

These are all subsets of the same thing: "willed transsexuals".

I think they're saying one is internally focused and one is externally focused

type 1 is they just feel too ugly/masculine
type 2 is they live in a conservative/hateful area or have family who would disapprove and they don't really have much choice, even if they hypothetically could pass/look feminine

im a passoid but "boymode" cause i cant afford clothes and am unsocialized and genuinely just scared of what people will do based on social perceptions

these are all just rough estimates from my experience and im in no way a genuine scientist so I wasnt expecting to break down the percentage exactly, the only fields I have genuine research in are biology and sociology but from my interactions these are my estimates

20% true transexuals
40% memetic
10% genuine AGP
5% trans maxxers (mostly because most straight men arent incels and its weird even among them, and I've only met a couple genuine HSTS as blanchard would define)
25% trenders

> I have spent the past ~year making a new typology of transexuals

>there's a lot more to it and that but again it would take me like an hour to go through all the categories so I won't go into much detail
why the fuck did you post this thread

No, type 1 would boymode because they think they are a hon and can't pass and are worried others will treat them bad, or that they won't feel like a woman if they can't look like a fantasy woman version of themselves that they have in their head.
Type 2 could easily pass and it would be obvious to everyone around them, but still boymode because they are around people who are conservative or who don't want them to transition, and would probably be more likely in general to go in and out of boymode depending on the situation, while type 1's would more likely say that they'll stop boymoding "after I get ffs" or something, while they plan on doing name changes and every little thing at one point to make a clear break.

Im not going to watch a schizoposter's 2 hour video.

again true transexuals have a feminized brain and would know since they were under age 10 and would likely not internalize male socialization and just be more effeminate than males.
disagree, memetic transexuals do not intentionally become trans, they are just influenced by culture and social contagion and truly believe they're trans. There's also huge differences in whether these groups experience dysphoria and to what degree

i knew since i was 6