Wtf does this even mean?

wtf does this even mean?

Attached: transrights-humanrights.png (1200x1200, 64.24K)

trans people are humans. ensuring them equal rights to other human beings, therefore, are equivalent to ensuring them human rights

that all humans are trans

legislating against trans rights is bad

It means you shouldn't kill trannies
>I'll still do it

okay so show me where they're not treated as equals to normal people
Okay, so why do you need to spam it everywhere instead of targeting specific legislation

>ensuring them equal rights
what rights do humans have that trans people dont have?

forced conversion therapy legal in most of the world
transitioning & gcs illegal in most of the world
actively transitioning and going to a doctor in half of the USA and most of the world is legal grounds for the doctor to put you in a psych ward
more generally, the right to not be victimized, harassed, or violently retaliated against for little more than existing, which would be patently disingenuous to deny in the current social landscape and given the statistics
how exactly do you think legislation happens without organization and awareness? you clearly do not actually interact with politics in good faith whatsoever

>okay so show me where they're not treated as equals to normal people
transgenders can be killed in sexual interactions with impunity

240 bills targeting us and our ability to participate publicly in daily life were proposed just this year in the usa
maybe you should go read those instead of asking here

>forced conversion therapy legal in most of the world
whats that got to do with human rights
>transitioning & gcs illegal in most of the world
whats that got to do with human rights
>actively transitioning and going to a doctor in half of the USA and most of the world is legal grounds for the doctor to put you in a psych ward
whats that got to do with human rights
>the right to not be victimized, harassed, or violently retaliated against for little more than existing
thats already illegal you dumb fuck

absolute retard

>the state wont subsidize my wish to cut off my penis
>do i even have human rights?

and you call others retarded

>the state can imprison me and psychologically torture me for being a tranny
you're too retarded to see what this has to do with human rights lmao
i call you retarded because you are retarded

>forced conversion therapy legal in most of the world
>more generally, the right to not be victimized, harassed, or violently retaliated against for little more than existing
obviously both bad and should be worked on, but also applies to every other letter in LGBT as well, not specifically trannies
literally nothing else you mentioned makes trannies have less rights than normal people


are trannies literally just schizos with makeup?

really thoughtful insight
maybe that is why they came together and formed lgbt!

The banned conversion therapy for gay kids in the UK but specifically allow it for trans kids

so then why specify trans rights when it's an lgbt wide issue and otherwise trannies are on equal ground with every other human?

the people who the world has collectively empowered to define human rights, the UN, consider lgbtq+ people discriminated against in most, if not all, of the world in a manner which violates their human rights

Its fucking wild that vonversion therapy took so long to get bamned and that it's still allowed in many places. People who care more about awareness of lgbt issues and promotion of lgbt rights than conversion therapy are against lgbt people no matter how you look at it.

i dont know? probably because its trans people fighting for their own rights?
why did you pick a slogan that argues for trans rights and then get confused why its specifically for trans people lol

being attracted to someone and believing you are "born in the wrong body" are not the same thing lmfao. this slide towards labeling any legitimate attempt at helping trannies as "CONVERSION THERAPY!!!" is as hilarious as it is disingenuous.

Trans rights is literally the same thing as the right against sex-based discrimination anyways. If women have the right to do something, then "men who want to be women" have the right to do it to because they have the right to not be discriminated by their male sex.

>legitimate attempt at helping trannies
can you show even one example of conversion therapy actually helping or improving their life
because i can show you multiple studies that transitioning does

>probably because its trans people fighting for their own rights?

>be me
>think im ugly
>"i hate being ugly so much its so stressful"
>"i should have been born beautiful"
>"hey taxpayers can you please pay for my surgery"
>"I HAVE NO RIGHTS!!!!!!!"

google "gender dysphoria"

sure, I'll show you my favorite trans studies from similar journals, time periods, and n sizes showing narcissism rates and sexual violence rates. The shitty thing about transes is that their research is 'legitimate' and 'science' when they like it and "shoddy" and "understudied" when they dont