I VERY BADLY want to induce lactation but I don't want to be even more of a freak weirdo than I already am...

I VERY BADLY want to induce lactation but I don't want to be even more of a freak weirdo than I already am. I already feel bad when people say that I'm just 'living out my fetish' by taking hormones and if I started milking myself then I would actually really be living out my fetish and I just feel too guilty about it.

But on the other hand I wonder if I could make enough money to support myself selling my milk to perverts and then I wouldn't be stuck boymode wageslaving and that makes me want to do it. and I wonder if decades from now I will regret not having done this while I had the chance.

Holy fuck I want to have big mommy milkers and post pics of myself in cowprint lingerie so bad. But I also want to be a normal, respectable girl that is well-adjusted and not a giant pervert weirdo. Why am I like this?

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Please be my cowgirl gf. I would gladly help you induce

I can't form a relationship based around me being a cowgirl because even if I do induce lactation and go extremely hard on it I still want to be a well-rounded person and pursue my other goals and ambitions as well. I want more than your average cowgirl.

Well of course, you being a cowgirl would only be a plus in the relationship. I can be your supportive bf

user you don't even know what I look like.

Doesn't really matter to me, So long as we get along fine and have common interests it's all good in my book.

I want to solve my moral dilemma before I even think about a relationship

Wanna swap endocrine systems? I have like 175pg/ml trough E with cypionate injections, but even tiny amounts of cypro [6.25mg every other day] make me go full milk mode. Idk if my lactotrophs are just weird or something, but I would just spend the entire day feeling myself soak through my damn shirt ;-; just started wearing a couple black shirts under my hoodie...

I think you vastly underestimate what counts as full milk mode.

When it was at it's worst I got a pump to alleviate the pain and 'fullness' and was filling up half of these lmao

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Idk I feel like when you get the whole colostrum -> normal milk pipeline stuff going then that's full milk mode, even if you don't make that much

Dammit someone just give me a good explanation for why I should or shouldn't do it already

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morals are bullshit degeneracy is based be depraved as possible and do whatever youd like, there, moral delimma solved

Morals is what keeps society from falling apart.

The question to me is, is it actually depraved or not

no, violent angry men with guns being told what to do by greedy prideful men with money are what keeps society from falling apart

no idea, does it matter? hows it any different from masturbation?

erotic lactation is a very common fetish, even among cis women. you're body is literaly wiered to feel good doing it and desire it, otherwise mothers wouldnt naturaly want to breastfeed their infants which would be a huge problem. it takes very little encourageing for this natural desire to escalate into a kink. you may as well indulge it user, theres nothing wrong with it at all

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Masturbation is something you do a few minutes to an hour or two every now and then. Not something you spend hours maintaining every day.

If it's not wrong why do I feel so guilty about wanting it

No because you’ve already twisted your physiology enough.


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What are your kinks

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