Why are we like that?

Why are we like that?

Attached: 1647350309335.jpg (1080x1350, 632.19K)

internalised whatever phobia I can't be bothered it's all so tiresome

what do u mean "WE"
every time Op is like "sisters" or "why are we" the OPs nevr a trans woman just some rando yesterday i tried sushi for the first time and i vomited in the disabled toilets with my bf

>Jacob tobia
Literally not a trans woman

heckin based and redpilled. fuck roasties

>wall of text funny
Female humor

Wow you listened to select quotes from 4 trans people you really did it

Why terf art always so shit

lefty memes be like

Attached: E9_QdEHWQAQ4y9J.jpg (644x508, 98.64K)

taboos are arousing, especially when you don't get to partake in them for years.

more likely, they listened to another terf who reposted these quotes from another terf who went looking for specifically things they could use to shit on trans women with

Thanks for the support user

in what world is this a lefty meme

Now go to r/rapekink and r/femaledatingstrategy and listen to what the bio women are saying

This. Why do some people have a hard time wraping their heads around this?

Those people arent the average chicks to be fair, same with the mtf in this meme

it's not but it was likely made by some lefty person because of the horrible formatting

The author promised more comics with this seal bit she hasn't made any.
I'm very disappointed.

That's my point, quoting a couple of agp mtfs into degradation and claiming that's how all trans women are like is the same as quoting a couple of cis women into consensual non-consent and misogyny kinks and claiming all women want to be raped and degraded

Practically the only good reactionary art is film. If you look through 20th and 21st century art you can find all sorts of terrible fascist literature and statues, awful paintings, etc. TERFs are a politically reactionary movement, and as such are incapable of creating any good art. I can’t explain what exactly it is about reactionaries that makes them such terrible artists, something about aspiring to a mythical past seems to rot people’s creative abilities.

I wonder why she is avatarfagging as a fat seal with bad skin