Forced Transition: The Dark Truth About Famous Trans Kids

8 year old boy: "Mom. Dad. I want to get a nose ring!"
Parents: "We'll talk about this when you turn 16."
10 year old girl: "Mom and Dad...Can I get a tattoo?"
Parents: "Not until you're 18!"
7 year old boy: "Mom, I want the doll with the pink dress!"
Parent: "This means you identify as a girl. We need to see the doctor right away about gender transitioning you."

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Other urls found in this thread:

David Reiner is more proof that trans is real then it isn’t. He was essentially raised as a girl and fully treated as a girl to his own knowledge. Yet despite this his internal gender identity is still male and he wanted to become male. Proving that the nature of your internal gender overcomes the nurture of how you’re raised. Trans people are the same way. Despite being biologically raised as one sex, their internal gender identity is of the other. This causes them to transition to fix this, which works. Suicide rates go down with transition + acceptance.

>thumbnail is one out of context headline and a case of unethical psychological research by one lone schitzo sixty years ago
Im gonna go out on a limb and assume those videos are as intellectually dishonest as the op

in all fields

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I hope Blair white 41s

Why do I have a feeling that it's yet another intellectually dishonest video?

This are all refreshing to hear

The one about the 6 year old kid being forced to troon by the mom is completely fake the dad lost in court because they proved he was forcing the kid to say she didn't want to transition and that the mom would let the kid choose whatever clothes she wanted to wear.

This is just so horrific

Why do the parents all look so unhinged and crazy wtf

which is why i find it hilarious when conservatives bring up the piece of shit john money up. god, conservatives are a fucking meme

they dont have a good grip on reality

>+ acceptance.
imagine deluding yourself into thinking that irreversible mutilation and severe mental illness causes less suicides than meanies on the internet :((

Shut the fuck up Mel don't you know that nuance isn't allowed here my TDS simply won't allow it so I'm just going to call you a groomer

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imagine deluding yourself into completely discarding the mountains of long term studies showing that transitioning helps :((
imagine being that willfully stupid :((

All you have to do is put them through the AGP test, if they fail the are not trans
Very easy

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where do you think the mental illness comes from
also do you actually think that trans procedures make them unhappy? good lord you don't know anything about this topic

better than bog'd blaire

it really isnt tho

These parents act like Karen on Steriods.

that sense of entitlement is just so dangerous