I finally got a pringles can

and i did the pringles can test
i failed
it's over

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what pringles can test?

yeah tf

>gain weight so i can grow boobs
>lose visible collarbone

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you gotta be able to stick your whole hand in the can otherwise you're a hand hon

are there really tranners out there who can't fit their whole hand in a pringles can?

what a fucking weird, specific brainworm

Based, I'm not a handhon

oof... well mine fits so thats nice. I still usualy just pour them out cuz I dont like getting my hands oily on the sides of the can...

actually i can do it now. i just didn't eat enough of the chips...
it's not over now!
well i dunno so i can shove it in, but in the delicate "grab a chip" form, i can't fit it. know what i'm sayin?

im gonna try this when i get home and confirm

I can totally fit my hand in but I'm still a complete handhon
I think it's cause my wrist is so smol

You have to be able to fit your shelong in a Pringles can

i wish you luck, friend
also pringles are kind of bad?? i bought the pizza flavor. sheesh.

if you can fit your dick into a pringles can, you should transition. if you cant, you shouldnt.

i want to try this but pringles are gross is there a better brand of crisps or similarly sized can to try?

I have massive hands, like bigger than most people I’ve met. I’m pretty sure I could fit my hand in a pringles can though. I cannot confirm though, I hate pringles.

no! it has to be pringles. sorry.

I-Im a 35 y/o cism who's always been able to do this. I dont wanna transition. :'(


You cant make me!

this is dumb I have giant hon hands that also compress neatly to be able to slide up your orifices

>fail the toilet paper roll test
gonna buy some pringles and try this...
time to don my hon flag I guess