/gaygen/ gay general


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first for advanced warfare holiday map pack

If neet bitop user is still out there add me Premium Heart#8464 on discord

this makes me anxious

is he bwazilian


Well I fit that bill more or less, I probably identify more as an Anarcho-Feudalist desu but in practice it's not that different

I'm not evil I'm literally going to preserve Western Civilization on my tax-exempt gay survivalist compound while you people are scrabbling through piles of radioactive human skeletons looking for one that still has some succulent bone marrow in it

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hes from tex ass

i know right switzerland is so fucked up

ive heard everything is bigger there

Why do straight women dislike short guys? Manlets are beautiful and valid

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I intend to post.

>once I've safely exited sobriety

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Remember user! You might be sightly pathetic but at least you're not addicted to /gaygen/ to the point where you're posting in it nearly every single waking moment and even made 3 OPs in a row!

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i love trashpandas, i want to share my life with one

drag the british ones

sissy shoulda made this one but she let the team down
also ive been busy today, the rhydon thread was only 5 hours ago

thanks for spreading monkeypoz, sisters! soon we will infect all of society!

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>gay survival
For some reason, this reminds me of the lesbians I overheard discussing the future of society.

A non-reproductive person discussing society's future is a bit like planning a party you have no intention of going to.



gays and lesbians can reproduce by choice, they are not infertile

what if i cured cancer and never reproduced
does that count so i can discuss the "future of society"

idk, i'm a manlet and i wouldn't date another manlet, short guys just don't do it for me, now tall bottoms on the other hand...

I hear ya, but its an infinitesimal part of the population. Technically, anyone who reproduces is making a choice. Some just deny risk more than others.

Low value men are so obsessed with future generations because they provide nothing of value to this one. Sad to see it.

gays create other gays by molesting kids

reproduction is communist propganda

A gay person is a good person! ^-^

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That would conflate medicine with social policy. I guess I should've been more specific.

I will have to ponder that one. Its an interesting perspective.

at least you've moved on to dogs from anime girls
(you're still awful though)