They said it wouldn’t happen here

But look. They’re pushing to make being transgender illegal. They’re trying to make drag shows illegal right now. That’s so vague. Sooner or later crossdressing will be made against the law.

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They're not going to stop there either. Marriage laws are going to be rolled back to the stone age.

Please refer to the chorus of "Just" by Radiohead

How exactly will the do that, miss?

Matt Walsh has never been ambiguous about it, he hates trannies and everyone who knows who he is knows that as well.

It's funny how everyone in America knew transsexuals existed and nobody had a real problem with it throughout the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s, UNTIL Y'ALL STARTED TAKING OVER EVERYTHING AND GROOMING KIDS.

the worst part is that I feel like this is going to embolden the cringe trans and further the hate against us. maybe I just have a toxic perspective, but that's how I see this playing out

In what fucking world did conservatives not have a problem with trannies? You're fucking delusional

>They’re trying to make drag shows illegal right now.
Good. Drag has been a terrible influence on young gay men.

No, you're just a fucking ignorant zoomer who doesn't know shit about what happened last week let alone 20, 30, 40 years ago. There were trannies on daytime talk shows all through the last half of the century. Conservatives loathed faggots and organized against them but didn't give a shit about transsexuals and cross dressers.

yes that't the problem, they simply can't live their life, tranny is a medical condition not a social status, get it right

I'm not even trans, just a guy who follows conservative politics. Back in February Matt Walsh tried to pose as a pro-LGBT group to lure unsuspecting trans people to interviews. As I said in another thread, he probably got some of the footage that way. He clearly doesn't want trannies to exist.

well i personally am not grooming anyone or taking over anything so ID LIKE TO BE ALLOWED TO LIVE MY LIFE
hows it my fault that a lot of people are assholes? do i control what they do? no, so why should *I* have to like deal with repercussions for problems SOMEONE ELSE caused????

Look, I hate drag too, but think of the political implications of that. How do you legislate a “drag show”? It’s just crossdressing. We are crossdressers in their eyes. Like it or not, we’re under the same target as them.

As a fellow transgender I couldn't agree more. We just need to stop grooming kids! Also I'm black and I think black people are why racism exists (except when white people are doing it in which case it's not racism, the word doesn't even mean anything anymore!)

nothing is enshrined into law, its only the result of court opinions

If i get a cute trans gf i will fight for you to the death

If not then not my problem

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That will unironically likely happen but not even due to the tranny outrage but just from conservatives getting the supreme court again.

>Not from the tranny outrage but just from conservatives getting the supreme court again
user I don't think you understand where the tranny outrage is coming from. These things are one and the same.

They've been playing the long game on all their conservative stances, not pushing too hard on shifting the overton window until they knew they could brace for it. It's taken decades but they have the most control over government they've had in a long time. Every recent event lately making you feel like we're moving backwards has been coordinated. Fox News and other conservative media outlets are all in bed with the exact same people as these conservative politicians. And your average conservative gets all their social positions from what Tucker Carlson tells them to fear. Nothing we've done has had any impact on the current tranny hate wave like would have us believe. The politicians aren't listening to their constituents, the constituents are listening to their politicians.

I thought we were talking about SCOTUS the whole time...

Send K*ffals posters to the gulag.

transphobes have a genocidal ideology, the root of transphobia for most transphobes is always a desire for trans people to not exist

calm your captcha faggot