My boyfriend forgot to wish me a happy birthday. I wrote up a scathing 18 page message in Word...

My boyfriend forgot to wish me a happy birthday. I wrote up a scathing 18 page message in Word, but decided not to send it. Just going to ghost him. Fuck this, fuck him, fuck everything. If there was a button that killed all life on Earth, I would push it without a second fucking thought.

Attached: animesher.com_anime-girl-summer-angry-689569.jpg (400x400, 47.43K)

>I wrote up a scathing 18 page message in Word,
fucking blimey mate

Jesus it's just a birthday, my parents forget mine every year.

im sorry to hear that user
can i have him

Based bpdemon.

Jesus christ woman it's just one day out of the year

Happy past birthday, user-sensei.

idk one time i genuinely forgot my ex's birthday and i felt really bad about it so it happens. but also i was cheating on her around that time so it's more likely me and your boyfriend are just bad people OP. sorry


it's probably got something to do with that shining personality of yours

>forgot my ex's birthday
>"felt bad"
>"I was cheating on her"


glad i'm not the only one that does this

very much so

As a BPDemon chaser I wish I had a BPDemon trans gf. We would be the only two people on earth to understand each other

I'm gonna fuck your bf since he obvs doesn't care about you

blowing up at them is pointless they are almost always too stupid to comprehend why its even happening, def a pull the ejector seat situation

Fucking entitled bitch. And you fucking people.wonder why no one wants to be around you

I sent my ex a happy birthday message and she never responded. I thought we broke up on good terms, it was just a compatibility thing. I miss her.

>female personality disorder
another repressing bottom chaser

my bf of four years has never remembered my birthday

18 pages is a bit much but I understand the feeling. It makes it seem like they don't actually care about you and you're wasting your time when you could be with someone who actually gives a shit.
I have abandonment issues but it seems like the bare minimum for someone you want to spend your life with.