What skin tone do you find the most attractive

I'm pretty pale and I'm told it's cute but I wanna know what most people think

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I like being pale but I'm not too picky, really pale girls will stand out to me and I think certain kinds of darker skintones make for a nice contrast but it's more about the person

But like tan white or pale or what
Well of course it's about the person but do pale girls stand out in a good way orrr

tanned souther mediterranean man. no italians (except sicilians which are greek), spaniards, turks, & arabs

The majority of answers will be anything not black or brown.

There's your thread

I find pale, pallid, and pasty to be the most attractive!

The more pale you are, the cuter you are

Not true just look at this guy

Really? I've heard that a fair bit, I'm glad I'm pale then lol. What do you like about it doe


I like brown guys, something about skin contrast is hot

It's mostly a subconscious preference for me, but I suppose if I had to put it into words, I'd say I see it as being like a fresh snowfall, very pure, very naturally beautiful.

Hehe idk why but that felt nice to hear

that’s me and true-mediterraneans (greeks, lebanese, etc etc) arent brown or black. theyre just swarthy enough to be perfect

Turks and Arabs are normally pretty brown

Lmao that user thought they could prove me wrong.

It's no secret that no one actually likes us black or brown tranners

im pale af and light brown is pog
i might be biased since i have brown bf tho

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If they're pretty then they're pretty, I don't give a shit about 'contrast' or 'purity' like some of you strange people.

