What do you think about the mlm flag controversy?

what do you think about the mlm flag controversy?

Attached: New_Gay_Pride_Flag.svg (1).png (2560x1536, 3.66K)

I’m glad we get one, but unfortunately since you didn’t post this in /gaygen/ it will get drowned out by trannies

idk what you're talking about but it's fucked up this stupid, redundant flag is one of the most attracitve ones. it looks so tasty.
same for the adonis or achilles one, or whatever

what is the controversy?

Attached: 1535579854707.png (700x660, 188.58K)

that it's lesbophobic and anti black

What does this flag mean? What is MLM? I like the colors a lot

Is the controversy that only ftms use it

I like it

since the rainbow flag has eventually had devolved into representing everyone on LGBT, it makes since that gays should get their own flags since lesbians, trannies, and bisexuals get theirs.

it’s not really mlm but one only for gay men. mlm would include b*sexuals. Mlm means male loves male


mlm means men loving men!
seems no one knows the controversy lol

Oh okay. It makes sense and I guess I fall under mlm plus the flag looks really cool

why is it anti-black and lesbophobic

in a good way?

idk as the thousands of tucutes who will never be able to explain why loll

Gay men do be pretty racist sometimes

oh wait right, its because "it looks like the lesbian flag"
and its antiblack just for good measure

Never heard of any controversy until now
I guess if you want a flag, go for it, I mean.... Bears specifically have a flag already but go off

I've heard people say it's lesbophobic but I haven't heard anti black

Will someone quit vagueposting and say what the controversy is

i could see someone saying it's offensive to transmen by linking them aesthetically to lesbians. but not the other way around.
i think the original creator was anti-black or something, from a quick google search. seems twitter tier drama though.

its supposedly anti black and lesbophobic

it's vantablack and lesbos-phobos

i think it's fine to use any flags that were made by problematic people as long as the problematic things aren't inherently tied to the flag (e.g. lipstick lesbian flag has a transphobic meaning, labrys w/ black triangle is antisemitic), simply because 1. pride flags are public domain, using them is not idk giving money to its creator or supporting them in any way 2. many people don't know/do not care about who the creators are

thats why we need Masc4masc flag

Attached: masc.png (1280x768, 5.55K)