Eat the pussy, faggot!

>Eat the pussy, faggot!
Why are troons like this?

Attached: FUi8HVLXsAAffU9.jpg (1080x1310, 162.77K)

This has to be a tactic by lab drop the t type groups to create division

technically i agree it is but sometimes its acceptable to be transphobic
maybe one day its normal for trans people to be regarded as the same as real women/men by straight people

yeah its so weird, they keep making shit up like the transteachers or calling school shooters trans. if they had something real to be mad about they wouldn't have to make shit up about us but they'll still make and get angry at the things they make up

$10 this was made by an afab pansexual suburban liberal

yeah sorry it was me

A famous YouTuber in my country got cancelled by transtwitter for saying he liked dick. He literally just said "I like dick so much" in a stream and got genuine vitriol for it.
>twitter isn't real just turn it off
The harassment there is and it's the reason why 88% of GCs are GCs.

and that youtuber?

>yes, GC's are terminally online shut-ins who care about twitter threads
good for you guys

Funny how women let you into their spaces and you return the favour by calling them AFAB and menstruators. You people deserve nothing.

I see they learned to quit putting them conveniently next to their TERF stickers

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remember, gay sex is misogynistic

I literally mean as in a woke white woman who'd openly identify as a "afab pansexual" & shove wokeness down your throat geez

Yes, I am straight and think vaginas are gross. problem bitch?

your preference is cisphobic, stop being a bigot
no you can never call xx wombyn AFABs, reducing women to their sex is misoginistic.

>t. assblasted afab

The tragic reality is that there are so few trans people that they have no control over their own PR at all. If half the country decides these people are predatory monsters, it will be so. If TERFs want to say these people are predatory monsters that want to force people to date them, it will be believed. There aren't enough trans people to combat the narratives of schizos that want to place the blame for every bad thing in this world at their feet.

And that's why stealthing exists. Once I pass I am never, ever telling anyone I'm a tranny.

You are a rapist if you do this.

The wording of it seems very false-flaggy.
But honestly, they're just repackaging an actual common sentiment into something a bit more obvious.

I understand being open w/ doctors & partners but how does not disclosing it to anyone else equate to rape?

Lol people really do think like this. They attack straight people for being transphobic as well.

Bold of you to assume that I'm going to have sex?
You literally see my pooner flag on here. How exactly do you even expect an ftm to go about having sex without the other person having knowledge of them being ftm? Istg you niggas are willfully retarded

it really doesn't, if you agree to have sex with a person you agree to have sex with that person, not their race or biology or whatever. if you ¿have sex with a guy and later you find out he is of a race you dislike or any other insignificant (we know its insignificant because you either didn't see it or didn't care they had it) trait it doesn't give you the right to murder the other person.
also funny how those are the same people that say you can always tell. if you could tell then there was no deception you idiot lmao

These false flags are really fucking obvious.