You are a paedophile. You are an autogynephile. You are an incel. You are an anime obsessed incel...

You are a paedophile. You are an autogynephile. You are an incel. You are an anime obsessed incel. You are a porn addict. You are a terminally online failure. You are a subhuman. You are an abomination. You are a freak. You are the sign of a dying society. You are a man.

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You are a paedophile. You are an autogynephile. You are an incel. You are an anime obsessed incel. You are a porn addict. You are a terminally online failure. You are a subhuman. You are an abomination. You are a freak. You are the sign of a dying society. You are a man.

no im not lol
>you are an autogynephile
yea lol
>you are an incel
nah i slept with a double digit amount of women pre hrt
>You are an anime obsessed incel.
I think I've only watched Berserk and Serial Experiments Lain
>You are a porn addict
Used to be pre hrt, hrt lowered my sex drive enough that im not anymore
>You are a terminally online failure.
>You are a subhuman. You are an abomination. You are a freak. You are the sign of a dying society.
no im not lol
>You are a man.
no im a girl lol

Have you ever even heard of the names Harry Benjamin and Magnus Hirshfeld? Money didn't do that much. do some research

>you are a pedophile
>post pedo who he agrees with
can you just admit trans people are born trans and stop supporting Money already?

it's insane how right wingers just keep repeating lies to themselves over and over again

no u

no, no, no, no, no, yes, kinda, idk, yeah, based, before i started hrt at 16 i felt like i was playing dress up

i dont watch anime

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>the school shooter was trans!
>Jhon Money wasn't transphobic!
name your favorite rightoid lies ITT

You are a nonce, you're a perv, you're a slot badger, you're a two pin din plug, you're a bush dodger, you're a small bean regarder, you're an unabummer, you're a nut administrator, you're a bent ref, you're the crazy world of Arthur Brown, you're a fence foal, you're a free willy, you're a chimney bottler, you're a bunty man, you're a shrub rocketeer.

>no im not lol
Yes, you are.
>yea lol
So you admit it, misogynistic fetishist.
>nah i slept with a double digit amount of women pre hrt
No one believes you.
>I think I've only watched Berserk and Serial Experiments Lain
Go check how many photos of anime girls do you have saved. You’re a tranime-loving paedophile.
>Used to be pre hrt, hrt lowered my sex drive enough that im not anymore
You really don’t understand the implication of what you just said, do you?
Yes, I know. You’re a tranny after all.
>no im not lol
Yes you are.
>no im a girl lol
Girls don’t have penises, incel. Interesting how you said girl too instead of women, paedophile autogynephile.
Dilate. You will never pass, incel.
How many porn-addicted, tranime-obsessed incels in remote hunter gatherer tribes? You’re a disgusting product of a dying society.
Dilate. Women don’t have penises, fetishist.
Dilate your axewound.
Incel paedophile autogynephile fetishist.
How many pictures of little tranime girls do you have saved on your phone or computer right now, incel paedophile autogynephile loser.
You will never, ever be the girlfriend you couldn’t get, porn addict incel.

>You will never, ever be the girlfriend you couldn’t get, porn addict incel.
bitch... I'm straight??? so like i never wanted a gf, i got my first gay crush at 6 years old lmao

Trying to hard to type like a teenage girl too, autogynephile paedophile. You will never be invited to the sleepovers you fetishise, porn addict incel.

there's so much projection in this post it goes past funny and circles back to pathetic
also this, they seem to intentionally terrify themselves and each other with ghost stories
>oooh the spooky scary Obamacare death panels are going to kill your grandma!
>ooooh the spooky scary FEMA copters are going to body bag every republican in New Orleans!
>oooooh the spooky scary demonrats are going to rig the election!
>oooooooh the spooky scary trannies are going to kidnap and rape every good christian child!
>ooooh the spooky scary corporations are going to ban christmas!
>ooooh the spooky scary alphabet agencies are going to falseflag mass shootings in schools every month to take away our guns!
it all so, so tiresome

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take ur meds user, literal projection, that's just how people write sometimes, not some pedophile conspiracy lol


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>How many pictures of little tranime girls do you have saved on your phone or computer right now, incel paedophile autogynephile loser.
who saves porn on their phone
idk what these buzzwords mean im gonna go sleep

clearly chud user does
projection, every time

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"it didnt work the first time so im just gonna say it again"
literally seethe

ummm, chudbros??
are we the bad guys?

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chudbros im not feeling so good...

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jesus, cissies are so bad at bein transphobic lmaoo. the only ppl who can make genuinely hurtful and transphobic stuff are other trannies. go back 2 spammin troonjacks and ackjacks. those also dnt work but its still btter than whatever this is

nooo chudbros this can't be happening, we wouldn't be voting for pedophiles, would we?

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