Imagine living in one of the orange states

imagine living in one of the orange states

Attached: States_that_have_bans_on_the_gay_and_trans_panic_defense.png (5280x3248, 513.62K)

tf is a trans panic defence?

my state is so subhuman I hate it

u can kill a trans person and say she tricked u and then get charged with manslaughter instead of murder

The trans panic defense is a closely related legal strategy applied in cases of assault, manslaughter, or murder of a transgender individual with whom the assailant(s) had engaged in or was close to engaging in sexual relations with and claim to have been unaware that the victim was transgender, producing in the attacker an alleged trans panic reaction, often a manifestation of homophobia and transphobia.

After you get done busting a big load in a trans girl and the post nut regret sets in you can legally kill him

where my VA trannies at?

lol good thing I'm never having sex again

Yeah but in FL you can shoot people who break into your home and want to do God know's what. In CA you just have to ask them to leave or something lol
It's a give and take.

oh... realy glad I already have a bf then ig...

Not at all true lol Commiefornia has the castle law, we don't have stand your ground

They should all be orange DESU. Disclose your status

IN here, good thing im transbian

Attached: 1ADC6BB1-7FBF-4135-AF59-3F0FDA9366B3.jpg (320x180, 24.24K)

I used to hate being born in Illinois. but growing up means you realize that Illinois is actually based and Chicago (esp when considering cost of living) is one of the best cities in the US


shame that they're all expensive shit holes. apart from illinois which is just a backwards wasteland

I like troons but if you want to sexually assault a guy I have no sympathy for you if he beats your ass to death. Most men are not interested in transwomen. I don't give a shit about how you feel, what your worldviews are, or what's going on inside your head. They have a human right not to want to engage in romantic or sexual activities with you. You don't have the right to take advantage and force yourself on them.

They're the same thing it seems. California it appears you still have to go before a judge vs FL where you don't.

>chaser flag on a horribly transphobic post
Why am I unsurprised?

im gonna getcha for saying that about white clay illinois

>its transphobic to not allow trannies to rape people chud!

I've used this defense successfully all 4 times. Was shocked at how understanding the courts were. I'm legally allowed to have this necklace of human ears I made. Last judge was a real sweety.

Tran and gay panic laws aremisused to murder people
Drug laws are misused to plant drugs on people

sicko user