Fembrained typing

God fuckin...Should I learn to type without capitalizing letters/names to look more fembrained? What other typing stuff is fem? (I already do little faces when I type naturally like ^-^)

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is typing without caps really t h a t feminine? it seems pretty common amongst most people online now. saves time too

yeah it's just based, not gendered in any way

write long sentences with deep recursive structure (you already do this as well)
shortened expressions like "omg" are also somewhat more common among women, as is the deliberate use of nonstandard spellings for emphasis (e.g. "nooooo" instead of "no" in an emotional setting)

Feminine/masculine typing is pretty nonexistent aside from a few extremes. I’m not gonna change how I type, it’s not a big deal.

Not true, it's easy to instinctively tell who is male/female/transgender by looking at the way they type and format.

how is op being recursive? not trying to prove you wrong, just unsure about what recursion actually is >:/

recursion is when you put something inside itself, or make it depend on itself
and in the case of writing and linguistics, it's the fact that many linguistic structures can include more linguistic structures, including ones of the same type (hence the recursion), within themselves, creating an arbitrarily long and deeply nested sentence as long as you have the memory and computational power to construct it and the parse depth to understand it

>Feminine/masculine typing is pretty nonexistent aside from a few extremes. I’m not gonna change how I type, it’s not a big deal.
It's totally fine to not care about how you type, but it's definitely not true that it's non-existent. There are pretty clear differences that apply pretty broadly.

They're not being recursive at all, there. Recursive would imply a lot of nested clauses. I'm not sure if that's actually correlated with feminine writing at all, though.

who to trust...

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Their description of recursion is correct, but I have no idea why they said "you already do this as well".

(I guess the parenthesized part could potentially count as one level of depth, but that's about it.)

TELL ME why you gotta look at me that way
You know what it does to me
So Baby, what you tryna say?

Lately, all I want is you on top of me
You know where your hands should be
So Baby, won't you come show me?

probably bc they saw how op used parenthesis at the end (but you really need to have like several independent nested parenthesis to really appear recursive (and i don't even think this looks fembrained this is just the way that i type) because just having one makes it appear as an afterthought that isn't privileged enough to be in non parenthetical text)

"Should I learn to (type without capitalizing letters/names (to look more fembrained))"
that is nesting of clauses inside clauses if i've ever seen it
granted i kept more track of how much of the sentence was inside a nested clause, than of how deeply it was nested, but still

oops i wrote this without seeing the parentheses-related comments yet
i'm using parentheses there to indicate where i see the start and end of grammatical structures, i know they aren't in the op

but that's just normal grammar, that's not like especially recursive or anything. like sentence diagramming is inherently fractal recursive structure. when ppl talk about recursive talking they mean like going a level deeper than normal recursion in communication

Debating it and correcting each other each is very masculine

Interesting, to me the "(I already do little faces when I type naturally like ^-^)" feels like a level of nesting while the rest just feels straightforwardly concatenative or whatever. Like said, it feels like that's just kind of the natural joining of concepts baked into the first layer of English writing.

Just going by gut assessment, I'd guess that in order for there to be any real recursion in something, there probably needs to be at least one piece of punctuation (comma, semicolon, colon, dash, parentheses, brackets), or at least implied punctuation if it's omitted due to laziness/error/quirkiness.

I'm a malebrained cis male HRT femboy, so that's not unexpected.

More like autistic
Normies of either gender don't care about any of this shit they just type

>like sentence diagramming is inherently fractal recursive structure.
i know and that's the structure i'm talking about, but a lot of communication really doesn't have that much depth in that diagram tree
a lot of people do not use clauses whose parts are made of clauses, or noun phrases whose parts are made of noun phrases, very often

if you do you're more fembrained, at least that's what i heard somewhere
it's having intellectual discussion, if you want to call that masculine, i'd say that part's more culturally considered masculine than is really warranted, but then half the masculine/feminine stuff might be cultural anyway so meh

Any Forums is for autists, trans people are much more likely to be autistic, and so trans 4channers are extremely likely to be autistic. And that's a good thing.

(And before someone autistically corrects me to say that the intersection of those two things doesn't necessarily mean trans 4channers are more autistic than non-trans 4channers, I know, but I'll choose to believe it anyway.)

omfg should i like learn to type without caps to look more fem? wtf like what other typing stuff is even fem? ^_^

Just write everything as if you need to be 100% sure you have a non-threatening tone. Fembrained typing is being afraid you sound mad, even if you are mad. End your sentences with exclamation marks! Double exclamation points and/or question marks?? Are even more fembrained!! When you're texting, use emojis. End your sentences with sparkle emojis, hearts, or ironic faces. Say lmao or lol after any slightly negative sentence

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Periods often come off as aggressive so either use exclamation points?? Or nothing at all lmao

I hate that this is true. I’m trying to get away from it. Women shouldn’t be afraid to be even the slightest bit offensive.

Girls tend to be a lot more expressive and emotive in how they write. They make their text sound a bit more like speaking, and their speaking is already more expressive than male speaking.

For a straightforward example with the exact same words:

>youll NEVER believe what i just found omg its so amazing i literally cant imagine the odds of this wtf


>You'll never believe what I just found; oh my god, it's so amazing. I literally can't imagine the odds of this. What the fuck.

What sounds more feminine?

And in reality, the man would probably write it more like:

>You'll never believe what I just found. It's amazing how unlikely this is.

If I only phone post is it more fembrained to leave the first letter capital or to do extra work and make it lowercase