De-trans youtuber Isaac aka Cluniac

Thoughts about de-trans youtuber Isaac aka Cluniac? He de-transitioned several times now back and forth (MTF) and often uploads videos saying transgenderism is "dangerous and a cult". Do you think he's a transgirl in denial? What about his views on the whole transmatter as a whole?

Latest video:

His thoughts on Detransitioning:

When he still identified as trans:

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we don't care

>every public detrooner is an absolute massive trainwreck

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this just looks like the average ftm transition

No one cares about your channel isaac self posting is only ok when I, Sophie, or Olive do it.

I'm not Isaac but I can pretend to be him if you want to RP.

Ftms wish they could pass so well

why is this guy so retarded

detransers always are.

Huffed too much copium.

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also i thought he had tits he just has weird nipples lol estrogen didnt do anything for him

She just needs a good dicking

Bitches go crazy without good dicking, yeah...

this guy is retarded
trooning and detrooning is understandable, but to then ally with anti-trans people is retarded. switching from one extreme to the other is a sign of mental weakness

He was a transbian.

still applies

Thats rape..

That's Justice.

Well, she needed some transbian mommy cock then.
Lol, nice captcha.

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Clusters B shouldn't be on internet

What's that?