Why do conservatives keep talking about and trying to get trannies banned under the guise of theyre protecting the...

why do conservatives keep talking about and trying to get trannies banned under the guise of theyre protecting the hecking 18 year old childerinos ?

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because they're right?


my mom watches conservative talk shows and they talk about trannies every single fucking day. i dont get it.

because transsexualism is unnatural and illogical, but they're attracted to it. they crave order but transsexualism reminds them they are attracted to disorder

transphobes are closeted tranners

They have to breed fear and talking about vulnerable people is the way to do it, so they talk about how the trannies are gonna harm our women and children

Do you really really think taking hormones and getting srs will change your sex assigned at birth? I don't deny some people are transgender and don't really fit in strict make/female categories but you have to be delusional if you think medicine can fix it. It can't, sorry. You just have to live with some imperfections. Embrace replife or suffer trying to do the impossible but don't send more people down your road.

I wouldn't go that far. closeted bisexuals more likely

no but it makes me not wanna kill myself

Because they know our increased presence in society will introduce children to the concept of transness earlier in life and therefore will make them more likely to question their gender identity
We cause their children to break out of conservative indoctrination. They fear us because they know they'll want their children to go to hell if they transition

omg what is with all these summer tourists? you seem like the worst most stereotypical trender, transgender is more than mall lipstick, i lowkey hate you

and then what? you're just being destructive and leading the vulnerable to slaughter. at least the conservative framework is sustainable. try improving on it instead of just replacing one system of indoctrination with another more destructive one

I've been here since Christmas, sweaty
I'm pretty sure the conservative framework leads to greater rates of suicide attempts and depression

>I've been here since Christmas, sweaty

Reactionary rhetoric 101

why would i rep? you act like repping or becoming a true XX wombyn are the only options. retard

Sounds all kinds of fucked up to me.

> Teenagers are so forsaken and abandoned by society and their own parents that they don't even have any sense of what they are even by 18
> Psychology is no longer about helping people. If it ever even was.
> Psychologists are sworn by their occupation not to actually help you in any meaningful way because they can't take responsibility for the patient or lose their job and licence
> Even the people who can help you can't help you anymore
> Even the church has withdrawn from people's day to day lives
> With literally 0 life experience and way to know what Truth even is, you can only gamble on the first option that seems attractive
> And something being attractive on the surface means it's always dangerous. One of the first things you would have learned from any of the above
> Well meaning dumbasses, groomers, and outright predators come to fill the gaps and fight over it
> Kids also have no experience to tell these kinds of people apart

Then everyone screams in rage when the dumbass kids don't know what to do but are technically old enough that you cannot legally stop them from it. It's almost like you had 18 years to help them BEFORE they made a mistake. And rather than look at what our individual parts were in it, we all point fingers at anyone else and make the above even worse with every repetition.

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"Helping" in this sense will always just mean projecting onto that kid.

well said

Far left pedos are using trannies as cover just like how they used gays as cover in the past, fucking pedos need to fucking die in a fire!

Because normies believe that "think of the children" is a good reason to do anything.

The kind of help kids actually need is subtle but not complicated.

Adult prep needs to happen with kids as soon as they are capable of holding things without dropping. Not be held in jail cell decorated like a playpen for 12 years then abandoned. You'd be shocked how something as simple as letting your young child paint a door helps. Teach them to cook and clean as early as the little fuckers can begin holding shit without dropping it. Do odd jobs around the house. Doesn't matter if you are bad at it too. A child should not feel they are solely reliant on their parent for absolutely everything. This needs to be achieved before age 10. Yes. Literally before age 10. Let them get paid for it out of your pocket, but only if the job is done well enough. No don't go
> Oh honey I'll keep your money safe just ask me for it!
No, you stupid fuck. You need to let them keep themselves. Even just in a box in their room. They spend out of their pocket when they want extra of anything or aren't already given. It doesn't work if you pull the 'it's still your money you just don't get to use it unless I say so!" card. Just.. doing mundane shit will teach them a lot of what they need about their own mind.

Parents also need to develop enough of a relationship with their own kids that the kids talk to them about anything that happens willingly. Not treated as if talking to them is a chore. This itself will develop other mental skills just from doing it.

Going to piss off LGBT, but I blame abandonment of/by the church in daily life. Believe it or not, Christ's message isn't what like most people are told. There's a lot there that has knock on effects of keeping you out of deathly traps and pitfalls and a lot of other helpful basic mental structures for knowing yourself and maintaining control. People turn away and think they can do it on their own. We'll, we've collectively proven we can't. Again.

Fuck around and find out.