Neverpasser ftm two years on t, decide to enbycope

>neverpasser ftm two years on t, decide to enbycope
>grow out hair, start wearing very subtle makeup
>working out even more, get jacked
>people start walking up to me to compliment me and tell me i “look cool”
why don’t more non-passers do this? my confidence is at an all-time high and i no longer feel pathetic. i actually feel like i’ve somehow gotten some dignity back despite identifying as a meme gender
>captcha TR4SH lol

Attached: yes.jpg (200x160, 10.04K)

You can grow out your hair and work out without calling yourself an enbie, you retarded woman.

because you look like a retard

All ftms should hit the gym, the downfall of many ftms is that they have s o i boy mentallity or incel mentality.

that kinda hot

I enbycope too, about 7 months on hrt people started coming up to me in the street telling me i look like a model, i think i just look like a tall guy with long hair. Boobs is kinda an issue though...

Unsee with censored eyes?

yeah, i wonder how much of this was “not passing” vs. just not previously working out

have you tried enbycoping without hrt though

can confirm

cis people immediately see you as more of a man even if you have no gains. just being active in a gym is enough. it's seen as "trying harder" and you get mad respect for it. and other tranners seethe about it. it's great

so you're basically just a fit woman, that's why people think you look cool

>people start walking up to me to compliment me and tell me i “look cool”
>people started coming up to me in the street telling me i look like a model
wow, I saw this kind of stuff only in anime before, but in any case good for you anons, any work out advice?

i feel like i have too many recognizable tattoos, i’ll blur them and see if it doesn’t fuck everything up
i am mad curious about this, how come mtfs on this board will endlessly insist passing as a trans woman is still a form of passing (being seen as a “non-man”), but if an afab doesn’t entirely undoubtedly pass as a cis male it doesn’t count?
tbhon user i don’t have tips, i think i just lucked into looking more attractive now that i’m androgynous instead of uncanny. i didn’t change the way i dress or anything

>work out advice?
oh wait sorry, i read over this. i started drinking protein shakes with every meal, doing abs every single day and making shoulders, back and arms a priority. everyone says not to skip leg day but for me personally, avoiding building too much muscle in my thighs has helped me tremendously since before i leaned towards looking bottom-heavy.

nice, thank you, and I take you already wore androgynous/masculine stuff?

no problem, and yeah, i did, though i graduated from baggy clothes to more form-fitting clothes as i got bigger

lots of men are bottom-heavy though, I'm one of them. I don't look awful my legs have always just been large.

Calves look sick af tho

I'm still waiting.

>but if an afab doesn’t entirely undoubtedly pass as a cis male it doesn’t count
maybe because you literally said you don't pass and you're presenting fem? being fit doesn't mean you pass, it just mean you're fit, so to people you're just a fitgirl

makes sense, but can I ask you how one of those random interactions with strangers took place? sorry if it's weird, just curious

sorry, i’m not saying men can’t be bottom-heavy, i just mean since i already don’t really pass it only makes me look more femme so i avoid it as much as possible. jealous of your calves though
tbhon i am somewhat anxious about posting my body since i referred to being non-binary as a meme gender, the blurring doesn’t look bad so maybe i will post in another thread larping as another user
>femme presentations: slight makeup, hair long enough for some of it to be tucked behind ear
>masc presentations: deep voice, male passing body (if clothed, obviously), men’s clothing
is being “fem presenting” like a one drop rule with you people? i’m not saying people don’t see me as a fitgirl but you’re being ridiculous

no worries, it’s not weird. it mostly happens at places like coffee shops or thrift stores, and is usually from teenage girls, soi men and old people

ah nice, the most I get right now are compliments from grannies, and it still feels pretty good, so I think I understand.
anyway I'm also trying to go for a kinda andogynous aesthetic, so glad to hear all that