23 year old male here

23 year old male here
How can I / should I use hormones to make myself look more androgynous and age less horribly
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but depending on how small or twinkish u are u may start getting gendered female. happened to me lol

If you'd look cute with boobs

I'm 5'3 and look very young and fairly androgynous as is.
I do not want booba

Well it kinda comes with hrt, there's ways people try to mitigate it though

user being 5'3 and andro, your just going to look like a woman by the end of it.
But because that's how you are, I'd do it in heart beat. Esp if you like guys at all.

If you dont want breasts using high dose injections, to achieve levels of 1500pg/ml works well.

yeah you will be get gendered female regardless of boobs or clothing. i have the sames

and yeah listen to anons' advice about preventing boobas if u don't want them. i wasn't so smart about it and now have ones. tho i don't mind them anymore since pass very well

>if you like guys at all
I don't
Too scary

But guys like YOU. You can turn your awe and reverence and seeking of approval of real men into attraction to them. You're not a man but you can make some man happy :)
>Too scary

Attached: 0662.jpg (1000x1483, 719.74K)

groomer moment

Maybe but it's a bit of the mindset why many small guys end up as gay bottoms. It's really pathetic but I admire real men so much and nothing makes me feel better than being acknowledged by one

Let me add to this The love of a man, and his appreciation of you, allows all sorts of feelings you never could imagine to well up inside of you.

His protection and guidance will allow you to feel more comfort and safety than you ever have in your life. You wont have a worry in the world as to what your doing is right or wrong, because your husband will tell you what's up.

I didn't even mention after one makes love to you because at that point, it's just all so clear.
Once were at that point, you dont need my sweet words to even wonder about your new found interpersonal role amongst men is.

But if you like girls, take hrt anyway. Get you body and mind right in the mean time, you can figure out how much you like men later anyway.

I am partially teasing you btw... but only partially.

ur not hsts but i'm glad ur happy :)

plenty of ways to keep looking young but if you've blown past them and decide on hrt thats on you
i.e. nigga u sure you aint trans

Shush now user. I have been getting fucked by men since I was 8, and dont need a feminine body to do so. I am very homosexual.

Let me a have a little fun with my writing now please...

>i want to be more androgynous
>"lol ur trans"
You people are weird.

oh that's great :)

bump for CUTE op. i hope he gets teased by more anons


High dose E injections are the only way to stunt boob growth and even then it's a genetic lottery, anything else is a crapshoot and

>If you dont want breasts using high dose injections
I did that (7.2 mg EV every 5 days) and got B cups within 6 months, lmao.


They don't look nice, as they're very separated, but it's very hard to hide.

what if i'm in the same boat as OP but i already have boobs

That's some really nice development, congrats.
hrtfemboys get it all.
enjoy them. it's all you can do u-u

thanks. i'm glad i'm not alone in this lol