Russia has gone North Korea Jeannu. Any /tttt/ers staying in Russia by the end of the year are screwed

Russia has gone North Korea Jeannu. Any /tttt/ers staying in Russia by the end of the year are screwed.

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The world hates Russia for what its doing

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>Anyone can be called a traitor
North Korea

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no duh, look at what happened to Iran

shut up

Surely they'll be fine if they just keep their mouths shut and don't speak out against the war

>professor of international relations from a South Korean university

Its going to turn into a scapegoat tranners/gays situation eventually. They’re foreign traitors somehow because anyone can be called traitor.

They won’t be if you understand how domestic rights collapse.

>north korea

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Nobody cares dumb polack

Any russian tranner should care.

To be fair though, in every nation that matters (whether due to power or resources) fifth columnists are an ongoing and legitimate problem like weeds in a garden. Failing to address the problem is worse than overdoing it, the only consequence of which is a kvetching press. Russia wins by not reacting to the reaction, basically. Westerners have admitted at this point that Russia will win the war, but they cope saying, "Well but they lost the moral war, which is what really matters." Adorable. Wrong, but adorable. None of this is Any Forums, btw. The bile stewing in the UK is objectively a bigger problem for LGBT rights worldwide.

>Westerners have admitted at this point that Russia will win the war, but they cope saying, "Well but they lost the moral war, which is what really matters.
That's not what happened.

Western News source are saying ukraine is winning this war for the most part with a stalemate. What your getting is from Putin’s dick cause Russia has gone china and North Korea with the countries media.

>Western News source

gay socialists take note, once you're cordoned off from global capital then comes the repression.
A global world is a queer friendly one.

There’s a reason your friends were going to Poland. Because Russia is going to have a Quality of life worse than Poland by the end of 1-4 years. duh, and anyone with no way out of russia will be getting shoahed into a neo USSR where you can’t leave or you become a traitor/defector.

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Repression was coming whether russia got cordoned off or not. Cordoning off the country quickened it back to its reversion to fascism but that trend was already happening. A pre-ww2 type annexation situation and invasion tend to cordon a country off internationally. A ww3 would be a reset anyway for le animals and the environment if it goes down that route.

Whom are you quoting?
The West absolutely did not settle for moral victory, they intend to strangle russian industry and bleed them out by proxy with the weapons provided to Ukraine.

It's the same in the us. Take part in a non-leftist rally, like against vaccine mandates, and every media outlet is going to call you a "white supremacist," antifa is going to attack you and the government is going to file bogus charges.

By voting for "liberals"? There's no authoritarianism they won't cheer for, including biden's new ministry of truth and international effort to crack down on "disinformation" online.

Wow, thank god America isn't censoring anti-american opinions regarding the war.