Now that the dust has settled what do we think of matt walsh's documentary?

now that the dust has settled what do we think of matt walsh's documentary?

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>now that the dust has settled
You just kicked it up agsin fgt.

A complete waste of time that doesnt explore the real reasons behind transition etc and instead focusing on some dumb semantic question and tricking the people he intrrviewed into thinking they were being interviewed for a pro-trans documentary.

Do chickens cry?

It was pretty good but could have done a bit more. It's only an hour and a half long so he did what he could in that timeframe. The point wasn't to explore why people transition but to basically say ywnbaw, and it did a good job of that

What's the real reason behind transition?

It’s very telling about how far gone this tranny shit has become. It’s like we’re living in the twilight zone. People literately scared to state the obvious/truth. Women = Adult human Females

Buck breaking again but less funny

How many people do you know, conclusively, to be female?

Ok but what is a woman tho?

Just came out and more people are still watching/trying to watch

Fuck the payroll too

The detransitioners from reddit liked it
I'm surprised that the community is 30k big

Idk I go outside and they're all female

How? Do you know their chromosomes? Their genitals?
I hope you use they/them pronouns for them, or else you’re gendering them without knowing their sex!

I just go with they sound and look like a girl. I've got experience knowing they're woman

So if I voice train to sound high pitched, I’m a woman?

why would i watch a half an hour documentary when i could just go to Any Forums and get told iwnbaw

Well, are you also going to look like a woman?

So now woman means what looks and sounds like what you think a woman is. It’s a social construct

Woman 99.9% of the time means XX chromosomes. There are some exceptions, but those are due to faulty genetics, since as a malfunctioning Y chromosome that never switches development to male (we all start female as default).

It's not what I think, there's a clear definition. Sure what I view is a "social construct" but looking like a woman and being a woman goes hand and hand

Isn’t it funny how women are always biologically female in any civilization

Females are XX chromosomes, yes, but we’ve established that someone’s sex has no bearing on whether or not they’re a woman. You don’t go they/them-ing everyone until you know their chromosomes, you go off perception of voice, appearance, clothes, etc. All of which are completely arbitrary and changeable.