Time to give up the AGP dream, brothers. It's too late. 27 is too old. Anime isn't real...

Time to give up the AGP dream, brothers. It's too late. 27 is too old. Anime isn't real. Transition for a fetish isn't wise. Fulfilling a fetish isn't important nor will it make anyone happy. Facial planes have expanded too much. The best time to start was 9(?) years ago. I accept my fate as a man. Time to move on.

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Why did this need a thread

This repressed chaser is pouring out his heart and soul how dare you
Time to find a gf to live through vicariously

transition and be my gf. I'll doll you up and validate your AGP

I am 26. If you want we can take huge doses of estrogen and other hormones for a few months, take out loans to pay for ffs, massive tits and ass, and voice surgery, do porn to get simps to pay for our lives, then die of a heroin overdose crying in each others arms.

I'm not the OP, but I agree
t. 19 y.o. repressor


While you have missed everything leading to it you're right in time for the greatest glory an agp can achieve. I think you know what it is. This is the only way you can actually experience sexuality in this life, of course you can just forget it all but if you try to enjoy your sexuality while denying my words your life will, I am sure, be distressing.

I wish so badly for an AGP homeland and a great exodus to it. This shit is a human rights issue, OP and others of her race should not have to deal with this shit. We need AGP liberation now more than ever before so that nobody has to go through this ever again.

>Transition for a fetish isn't wise. Fulfilling a fetish isn't important
What about transitioning for a sexual orientation?

i started at 27 and look okay now, you can do it op

>AGP homeland

Attached: AGPhilly.png (940x540, 1.01M)

(left-right) FtM, HSTS, lesbian, second lesbian, cis guy (gay/bi?), lesbian/gay guy

The problem is some AGPs are better off as boys or think that way within reason. Then when they wanna troon it's too late.

when they finally make that decision to troon, they could come to the AGP homeland and live free of judgement for it being too late. They could be visibly trans and be treated with dignity and respect, accommodated and helped along as best as possible so that they could live a comfortable life with minimized dysphoria.

Trannyapolis is full of trannies (mostly AGP) as well.

Totally. Time to find better uses for our time. I need to leave this board, but it's my only form of social interaction

same but 30
the will die to increases every day

honestly, death seems preferable to struggling with my identity any more

Same, I'm approaching my mid-twenties. I lost most of my sex drive, I don't feel worthy of crossdressing anymore so I basically don't have a sexuality at this point.

Okay John, 50.

>rubbing it in like this