How do you stop wanting to do porn?

How do you stop wanting to do porn?

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realizing its a lot less lucrative than being a whore unless you’re like the top most subbed or whatever

Realize you're better than this

People say I am hot though idk. It's bc of my sissy fetish
If i was a real girl i probably would just get enough attention via lets plays but I'm a dumb edgy conservative retard w a repressed diaper and sissy fstish and i cry mysf to sleep most nights cuddling my stuffies

By getting Christian'd

By doing it

Why would I ever want the world to see my genitals?

do it anonymously and see if people seem to care enough. if you run out of libido or no one really seems to care, you can move on

I don't know I'd do porn if I wasn't so intensely ugly and insecure

Have an existential crisis because you found out you have lumps in your breasts and it hurts to breathe, your body is weird and your breasts have to go away somehow, you will probably die of breast cancer but your blood count shows nothing, nothing! A slow death because you don't seek help, everything hurts, but diazepam helps, half a pill and breathing is no longer difficult, a whole pill and everything solves.
In other words, face a traumatic situation.

I just wanna die

why would you want that

you have the worst origin story, that sucks so much. im sorry.
cute and based

i have a sissy fetish and diaper fetish
but also like....
i want attention
and i dont like working 9 to 5
and i want money
and idk
it turns me on
i want attention
i want money
and im stupid and lazy and short sited

Get a serious illness to call your own, minus breast cancer, I don't want to share the suffering.

I know, but never kiss people who have cancer, that shit is for contact, especially when someone in your family has it. But seriously, get help to treat porn addiction, it's not healthy


Do you realize how ugly normal gay porn is? If someone can do it better they should get a team together.

try camming for a bit and get a shit ton of weird image issues, develop a hatred for men, and realize it isnt worth it

I mean you could just make your own vids

like what kind of vids
i used to make femboy vids but i felt cringe and ugly
i made pol vids and still do but they are bad and cringe
thinking about maybe making gaming vids idk

if I looked like this instead of a fat ugly masculine hon I would consider it

I meant making your own porn vids dumbass then you can decide if you want to make them public or just keep them to yourself

Realizing it won't fill the loneliness in your heart and the market is saturated that you'll likely never make a living off it.