How do I come out as meta-attracted AGP? I'd mistakenly done so as gay in the past out of ignorance...

How do I come out as meta-attracted AGP? I'd mistakenly done so as gay in the past out of ignorance, and I want to correct it.

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You cant come out as something that doesnt exist lol

It literally does and I experience it. I'm not legitimately attracted to men. Don't do a heckin erasure.

This is too retarded to understand

just suck cock as a woman and stop overthinking it

stop using this shit to label yourself, you like cocks and being a girl? then be one and find yourself a cock

also captcha says DGAAY so believe it or not

But I will never be a woman, and men despise me. As such, I cannot suck cock.

(-_- )get hatefucked than

Not even in the "hatefuck" way

what does being a woman or a man have to do with sucking cock? just do it

I literally said I couldn't, men won't touch me with a ten foot pole.

you just feel ashamed of being attracted to men because of how you've been raised and of your repression.

AGP meta-attraction is legitimate.

I don't think "just" will cut it. While it's true I'm ashamed, it's not legitimate attraction, which makes it even worse. I'm not even a proper fag, I'm a fetishist.

Blanchard says AGP is a sexual orientation the same as being gay or straight though.

That doesn't contradict what I said. It's still a fetish, just one so powerful that it subsumes all else and masquerades as an orientation.
If a guy was unable to cum to anything but feet (i.e. LITERALLY needed them to orgasm and was wholly uninterested in normal sex), you could call that an orientation too. Doesn't mean it's not a fetish.

who gives a shit

OP thinks she's invalid.

>It's still a fetish, just one so powerful that it subsumes all else and masquerades as an orientation.
Did you read this from a TERF? Or a self-hating tranny? Because it's not what the theory actually is.

makes sense, my attraction to women is like "i want to be her!", not "i want to have sex with her" while simultaneously i'm not attracted to men. i fap imagining i'm fucked by men, but when i see actual men, they don't arouse me at all

I will never be a woman.
>Did you read this from a TERF? Or a self-hating tranny? Because it's not what the theory actually is.
My sexuality is not legitimate. AGP is both a fetish and an orientation (which is why some cis men can experience AGP but also be straight).

Exactly! Attraction but in a unique way. Just like cis people are obviously going to be unhappy if forced into a relationship with the wrong sex, AGPs are unhappy with the wrong body. So transition is the natural treatment.

Are you transitioning? Meta-attraction (which you're describing) can increase with transition and girlmode and many meta-attracted AGPd do end up dating actual men, not just fantasies.

Sorry, when I see the AGP flag I forget some people might use it while identifying as male. But of course femboys and so on are a thing.

AGP is an orientation not a fetish but some people have regular attraction as well as AGP. That doesn't mean they have to be cis though. You can like other women and still be trans.

Oh I'm trans I know I will never be a woman, so why call myself one if I'm not even close to looking like one?