Wish I was a girl

>wish I was a girl
>realize it's impossible with current medicine
>repress healthily
why aren't you doing this

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I will detransition and repress if I roll dubs or higher

How you do this "repress healthily" thing exactly?

I will derepress and transition if i roll dubs or higher.

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the meds will still get me somewhere better than where im at currently.

also healthy repression isnt a thing.

>also healthy repression isnt a thing.
yes it is

>the meds will still get me somewhere better than where im at currently.
this pretty much, i may mentally be in a terrible state, but i cant imagine what it would be like without hrt.
i'll literally never pass, never malefail, never be content with my body, but at least i don't have to constantly physically struggle to keep body hair down and shit like that

im only repressing because of family / society / shitty backward conservative country / personal desire to have children some day (even if i cant be the mom)

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I will transition if I roll dubs or higher

Not this time fags

i am and i am very happy ^~^

i just twink mode and fuck dudes when i fee dysphoric

t. 33 year old repressor

I would too if I was a twink
Unfortunately my masculinization was bad enough that I need to use estrogen to keep from 41%ing

if by repress healthily you mean rapidly cycling between either wanting to completely drop out of society or break down and take HRT at the worthless age of 27, then yes

i basically completely failed at life. i can't just make a decision and i'm going to waste my life because i can't fucking go either way

so if that's what is considered healthy then i am doing it fine. my only choices are
>risk everything to be a hon
>become a NEET and just stop caring about life
>work my somewhat decent paying career and retire at 40 and waste my life for useless money
>kill myself and just get it over with

Passoids die. Fuck foids.

i'm rerolling for you biatch

wait didnt you make this thread yesterday? fuck you are going through it.

its interesting tho, i dealt with the same shit- is it just an open secret that vocal repressors are just like....clearly attempting to have any remote transness in their lives via dysphoria itself?
thats why i trooned out at 22 as a 6'0 hon.
I realized i was starting to identify with my dysphoria. i mean if you repress you literally have to know all the ins and outs of whats fucking you up in order to "healthily" repress in the first place.
If anyone is able to hear you mope about it at all, then whatever its supposed to accomplish is null in void.
There is this fucking underlying current of misery in even the most positive "repressor" threads, and thats always seemed so much more fucking horrid than "looking weird".
The image of some 40 year old iron shell that crys alone at night about the now impossible dream of ever being remotely feminine.

I told myself fuck if estrogen can give me even little tits, soften my skin even a little, and prevent my hairline from getting even WORSE, then that is still objectively better than literally every single one of those body issues worsening indefinitely.

meanwhile every single mention of repressing is evidence that it doesnt work, its just roleplaying that your blanket of shame is warm enough to sleep in


Explain then

Last # dubs. it counts

I'm not gonna actually base my decisions on numbers
but if I get dubs or higher, I'll do it sooner than later

>passing on your troon genes
don't do this to the innocent lives