So, let me see if I have this right

So, let me see if I have this right.

12-year-olds get pumped full of a VERY illegal Schedule III drug that, in addition to its other effects, dramatically increases their libido. That is, it forces 12-year-olds into sexual situations, but by modifying their minds. It also dramatically increases their aggression and shortens their lifespan.

Fine and dandy.

But we need to mitigate the behavioral effects of this nonconsensual modification- insofar as it's possible for a twelve-year-old to consent to ANYTHING, let alone permanent chemically-induced body modification of the kind we don't even let ADULTS do. So we go ahead and subject them to a corresponding behavioral adjustment program, which invariably involves beating the ever-living snot out of them whenever they step out of line, because (given what the drug we allowed them to be dosed with does to their heads) there simply ain't any other way to go about it. And half the time, either the behavioral adjustment beatings don't work and the kid grows up into a thug, or they work too well, and the kid grows up into a Democrat, or something else goes wrong and they kill themselves three to five times as often as the control group. And even if it goes right- insofar as there's a "right" here- they're liable to end up either selling their body as a tool of violence or selling their mind as a tool of violence but with extra steps, because those are the roles specifically meted out to the people who have had this done to them.

And the thing where this DOESN'T happen, is "grooming".

And in order to prevent "grooming", we need to support "parental rights", unless the kid has decided they don't want any part of this and their parents, who in our existing paradigm nominally own the kid and can do as they like with him, are going along with it, in which case the kid is the property of the state and can be resettled.

Do I have this right? Because this seems kind of bad!

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i wish this board was deleted.


Way to take it in the most idiotic way I have ever had the displeasure to read with my single eye

Perhaps I overestimated the literacy of the average 4channer.

not reading this

Testosterone is a natural hormone your body produces, no one forced you to take it.


Stopped reading this is boring I love schedule 3 drugs it feels good


they're describing puberty using the extreme and misleading language that conservatives use to describe hrt 4head

Oh. Okay. So the metaphor should be DISEASE, then. Testosterone's not a kind of roofie, it's just a sickness, like cancer or something.

Would someone really do that? Go on Any Forums and post parody?

I've had fun with Matey!! puns haha

What the fuck did I just read? What kind of person is this supposed to be about?

You're only saying this because you suffer from gender dysphoria. Normal people benefit from the hormones their body produces just fine.

i dont know what any of that means is it saying hormones is good or bad like i wish i had hrt at 12

They, uh... You sure about this one, boss?

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didn't read this but sorry about whatever nervous breakdown youre having or whatever

correct, there's a defective chromosome containing almost no genes that causes a person's body to start producing very high levels of a literal controlled substance, and we just let it happen

>12-year-olds get pumped full of a VERY illegal Schedule III drug that, in addition to its other effects, dramatically increases their libido. That is, it forces 12-year-olds into sexual situations, but by modifying their minds. It also dramatically increases their aggression and shortens their lifespan

And to make matters worse, we all had to exit a v*gina and exist! I fucking hate my job how absolutely DARE the Universe do this to me. No baby should be born without its own consent

Yes, testosterone is a disease. Except it has no ill effects and your body requires it to function, but other than that it's totally the same


>Except it has no ill effects

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trannies kill themselves kek