Abolish Women's Sports (and Men's too)

you will never convince me this is not the solution

abolish sex-segregated sports and switch to "weight" classes based on individual physical output and performance metrics for different categories of sports, such that you can always compete in a class above yours but never below meaning you will naturally end up with mostly women in lower classes and men in higher classes while also being able to mix in the edge cases, now everybody gets a much more fair chance to compete and show off their training and skill without removing anyone else's opportunity


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I wish I got yolked up pre-trans so that way I could be a female MMA boxer and live out my ultimate incel fantasy of being the female heavyweight champion of the world

men's sports aren't a thing
what you're asking for is just abolishing women's sports, as most professional men's sports leagues aren't actually sex segregated. Women have been in official leagues like the NHL before, it just so happens that they can't actually compete against men.

People will always compete. It's in our nature to compare and improve. You're a fool if you believe otherwise.

Letting trans women compete against cis men seems less complicated

>People will always compete. It's in our nature to compare and improve.
of course, and what I'm suggesting is a very simple shift of our established norms to have an easy framework that supports everybody having the chance to compete and improve themselves without being destroyed so quick they get no chance to even learn or measure up (and could arguably help address existing inequalities or new ones we introduce involving everything from your genetics and nutrients growing up to steroid use and other performance-enhancing changes or treatments we develop in the future)

>Letting trans women compete against cis men seems less complicated
this would be allowed and encouraged, a lot of trans women probably wouldn't be able to compete with lower weight classes because they started HRT after puberty

No, sex-segregated sports is the only solution to that kind of advantage. A woman doing powerlifting will rarely outperform a man, and in gymnastics, a man will never be as flexible as a woman.

so the freaks, outliers, and anyone not average for their natal sex shouldn't be allowed to have a fair chance to compete? sex-segregation along the existing expected bell curve distribution of these kind of performance abilities would naturally emerge

I'm not a professional in the field, but the question could be answered by a technical committee, and besides that, intersex women like Caster Semenya were barred from the Olympics due to her naturally high testerone for a woman, but she has already competed and was the two-time champion olympic and world 800 meters. Not everything in this world is fair, user. Some issues are too controversial for fair play.

I agree, but because I hate women


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>Not everything in this world is fair
what does that have to do with anything? people come up with the rules for competition, and people are currently losing their fucking shit over those rules, so I am proposing a rational and forward-looking solution based in objectivity which is conveniently also an avenue for a more fair set of competitive opportunities for people - this is all entirely arbitrary and made up in the first place in addition to being (like all things in this world) inherently unfair

seriously, what's the actual downside or problem with the idea?

unironically agree with this as a FTM this is equality for everyone including competitors watching the chinese female basketball league of all 5'1' 120 lbs girls vs a bunch of 6'1' 180 lbs women was unfair it doesnt matter if everyone was born female HOW is that fair

michael phelps is a freak of nature and should not be allowed to compete he has an advantage over normal males but no one gives a shit because its cis vs cis

I'm really not into sports but wouldn't it be cool if we had different levels of competition so that this kind of thing doesn't happen so often? I don't think people like phelps or tall girls should be barred from competition at all, likely just confined to the highest classes relevant when it comes to any activities that are dependent on the actual potential performance output (basketballing or swimming or whatever) that those traits confer

this extends out to things like cyborg and/or cripple leagues too, just imagine the potential entertainment as a focal point for new heights of exploitation and profit... oh well, I think it's kind of cool anyway

This is a cannibal

>no one gives a shit because its cis vs cis
most men have a chance to go through male puberty, whereas no cis woman has a chance to go through it, unlike trans people

Why cant we just have paraolympics for trans?

Probably because it feels more right at a deep level because there was no pill popping involved to get there

segregating sports by sex instead of other metrics is entirely arbitrary

What other metrics wont have men winning most sports most of the time?

abolish sports completely
Sport ist Mord

So in short no women will ever be able to compete again? What you are proposing works in amateur level but in pro it would just end up having men only.

>So in short no women will ever be able to compete again?
who said that? most women would naturally end up in the "light" classes

And there they would lose

no? because they would only be competing with others in the light class

grip strength, arm span, stride length, etc, real physical measures of the things mechanically responsible for actual performance that add up to physical capability in a sport when skillfully employed or trained

People can make up the rules, but we have to be aware that both sexes have different flashes of brilliance, and current rules at least take these differences into account; objectively, men will have an advantage from aerobic exercise because men have a greater number of red blood cells in their blood, which are responsible for transporting oxygen necessary for cellular respiration (the process of acquiring energy by the cell). In terms of strength, men also have advantages due to the greater production of testosterone, which causes a greater increase in muscle. Women have greater flexibility, which ensures better execution of activities that require precise movements. It's not fair, from a biological point of view, to let these two compete. Equality and equity are not physical, but you can say "there are women who managed to beat top male athletes", yes, but maybe not the majority, and that's what we have to see, or you have to let women consume oxymetholone, for example, but even so, it would have to be fair to the women and men in the competition. It's a very complicated issue.

Desires are different than actions, user. I've never killed anyone to taste the meat.

>It's a very complicated issue.
but it's actually really not if you account for those very real physical differences in biological sex, I am suggesting we ignore the labels and rely entirely on the data for a very simple solution that is fair to both men and women without excluding anyone