Why is the right so unbased?

Everywhere you turn there's no hope.

The left has monopolized being homosexual and therefore associates every homo with them. Meaning you're basically forced to filter 90% of homos to get to intelligent people.

So you do that and what do you get? Bunch of homophobic retards on the right. Obssesed with shit like "muh women", "muh babies", "muh pussy", "muh war"

No matter how much you support you'll always be a second class citizen at best. And at worst either a scape goat or just another body to throw at some stupid pointless war.

Is there any political movement focused on pure freedom? Without including stupid shit like sex or race? I just want some ideology where nothing but the individual matters.

If not I think I'm just going to start larping as a gay sexist racist neo nazi or something.

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>associates with politically engaged people
>complains they're all borderline retarded
Literally what did you expect?

No anyone obsessed with politics is an ugly loser. If you want change a bullet does more than a millions votes

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the only route to pure freedom is communism friend

political power grows out of the barrel of a gun

pure freedom is impossible in a capitalist society
take acid and read deleuze

Sounds like a LA rioter mentality. Then you find someone with more guns and boom you're fucked.

sure pure anything is impossible with so many free agents, but anything but capitalism is just government cucking everyone with varying extra steps. That's literally what any large of organized group of people want to do. Establish eternal control and engage in hedonism.

lol communists say shit like this and then cry when liberals put them under police surveillance, or when fascists (who agree with them on this issue) crack their skulls open

capitalism allows people to hoard and amass power, it doesn't matter if government exists or not you will still have overlords

The modern conservative movement literally just exists to fight for unending rights and handouts for businesses and extremely wealthy people
All this shit about trannies and gays is deliberately stoked via the media to get people engaged because if it actually came down to the core issues that matter like wages and hours and housing no one without tens of millions of dollars would agree with their unhinged views

have you ever thought that centrists are smug midwits who dont deserve boyfriends?? be a self-hating gay (right) or be a self-respecting gay (left) and get over yourself

it's a statement of fact not morality

We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.

we complain about it because we are opposed to our enemies having power. we still recognize that they have the guns and therefore the power to do all of that shit though

true they think the left and deep state cares about them and then cry when they get thrown under the bus first.

this shit is what I mean. Disgusting commie.

I guess I could spend my time educating you and giving you truth but that takes years and requires you to be not retarded.

Which is unlikely considering your a commie leftie in the first place

You prob also got plowed through by at least 4 other guys before me so why should I care?

>true they think the left and deep state cares about them
communists are famous for trusting 3 letter agencies, everybody knows communists and glowies get along swimmingly

>why should I care?
i was a top for only 1 man before i transitioned and now im a chaste bottom waiting for my one true love. dont think youre cute enough to be it though

Guns only give you the illusion of power, which is why the right is always pushing gun culture on the masses. What we really need is bomb culture.

Think about it: shoot a politician and they'll just be replaced with somebody just as bad, if not worse. Incinerate entire communities of people who voted for them, on the other hand...

I'm a chaste top whos rejected hordes of women and men. You're value is below mine.

Plus I'm 6ft1 and extremely strong.

You can ask god to care, but I won't. Unless you show ur tits.

Holy shit super based user. We still need guns tho, they're a effective precision tool.

If someone invades your house you cant exactly bomb them can you?

But I love this, we have a right to bear arms not just fire arms.

Which means we can bear bombs too.


post deadlift 1rm video

I lift 600 pound metal sheets at work, I don't go to the gym to ego lift.

>we have a right to bear arms
not when bidens second term comes along hehe

Be a moderate/centrist voter, that way you can disagree with le both sides when they say stupid hyperpartisan shit

Very kino idea user but the people should just be castrated. An user on x once said Muttland was cursed land and I believe it. Left or right in America it is a puppet show which is not only inconsistent morally but I think the puppet masters make it contrarian for fun.

A huge amount of the abortions in America are minorities and the Right logically should push for more not less
Abortion is moral murder in its purest form, If you support killing babies for the greater good you have to as a consistent liberal support the dissection and death of murders and paedophiles. Hell Logically killing them and using them to help prevent future attacks through research and experimentation actually makes them morally good again. Think it you rape and kill 1 child but your brain shows a cure and saves 100s you are a good person

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