Austin or San Antonio? What's a tranner to do?

Thinking of moving some place warmer? Which is better? Anyone from those areas? How is it for LGBT

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definitely austin

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As long as you're one of the good ones they'll kill you last

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get the fuck out of texas

Austin is one of the more liberal (*wacked) cities in the country despite in the heart of Texas. Lots of tech and obviously the school. San Antonio is full Mexican territory pretty much. Also a cool city, but not gonna have the same fun stuff and especially LGBT friendly to the same extent.

Source: Mother is from San Antonio, went to school in Austin, and large portion of family still live in the area

Texas is terrible but if you come here maybe we'll be friends one day desu

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The serious problem is that every place, urban texan cities included, which is anyways lgbt friendly is getting heavily gentrified and horribly expensive

the real answer is to get out of the US lol

Austin is great if you live in the city. IF you live in the city. I could drive to the capital in about 40ish minutes depending on traffic and my neighborhood is a conservative shithole. Most houses have some form of "tresspassers will be shot" sign.
I worked downtown and I like it there, a bit of a homeless problem for sure but besides that its a very nice place, used to walk on one of the trails there daily. Downtown is nice, good for tranners. But once you get farther out it very quickly loses the "Austin" and just becomes "Texas".

One more thing to mention is that austin is absolutely not diverse. If you're a weird racist then I guess good for you but compared to basically any other texas city it's white asf. A good amount of brown people (myself included) but san antonio has them beat there anyways

I don't see much for lgbt things to do in san antonio, but it seems less populated and the rent is far cheaper.

I live in Austin. I got beat up by a nigger bouncer at a straight bar on 4th St (they gay neighborhood). He started screaming "He's a man! He's a fucking dude!"

sorry anonette.. never relax

Don't move to Texas.

1) Austin is expensive as shit and being rapidly gentrified--by heaps of lefties/lgbts moving there The homeless problem is massive.
2) Originally from SA, so though I can say that it isn't as awful as people say, it certainly isn't welcoming of non-passing trannies. And by non-passing, I mean you'd better be stealth. Food and culture is great, but the population is mostly loud, fat, ignorant, and ugly.
3) It's hot. The weather is no joke. The government is.
4) Go somewhere like Colorado, Atlanta, or somewhere on the west coast. You'll be happier.

I moved to CO years ago. It's far more welcoming of trannies. Even if I'm stealth, I've felt more at peace. Hormones are 10000% easier to obtain here as well.

t. tranner originally from Texas

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where would you move to?
How expensive is Colorado? what parts? like Denver? I'd like to live right outside of a city that isn't too busy to get in and out of.

Denver is expensive but the minimum wage compensates for it. Other areas deeper into the mountains are more expensive. Aurora, Castle Rock, Littleton, Westminster--many suburbs around Denver aren't nearly as expensive as the inner city and still have a good quality of life.

The weather is also very nice here. I specifically mention that again because I'm not even fucking around, Texas is HOT. I was just there visiting last week and felt like I was being crisped. It's the start of June and already 104.

how bad is getting in and out of the city from the suburbs? Is it always busy? How are the men there? It's soijack city where I live currently.

i wish i didn't live here in texas

moving to austin is just a cope but the gentrification problem makes that look like less of a good choice. right now i'm stuck in the massive suburban area west of houston and while the hang out spots are pretty diverse, crime is also getting closer and closer to where i live and i'm scared i'll get hatecrimed if i ever girlmode one day

why would anyone want to come to texas??

>where would you move to?
depends on money. personally I can afford Seattle or SF with a bit of effort and jobhunting, but if you can't afford that you can always bum around Portland for pretty cheap. It's being gentrified but there's always places to live

sounds like others are saying the same thing anonette. Any thoughts of moving?

Currently in Houston looking to get out of Texas. Go to Austin if those are your two options, but consider finding a blue state to go to instead if you can.

Fuck off we’re full

Anyone else here north Texas?

Also, from what I can tell, the most progressive cities in Texas are always the ones filled with college kids. College Station and Denton, mostly, although I'd be careful anywhere if you're clocky

Dfw here but I can tell u right now college station is not progressive lol