Does any other ESL tranny feel like their voice sounds more fem when they're speaking English...

Does any other ESL tranny feel like their voice sounds more fem when they're speaking English, even if they're not making any more effort to do so, in comparison to their mother language?

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ive heard your personality can chance in subtle ways when you switch languages. i dont think my tone of voice or anything is different when i speak spanish though

no it sounds a lot more masculine in english
I assume it's because the words aren't so fluid and you have to speak slower

Maybe your native tongue just sounds more aggresive

i just tried it its true

Attached: anime-boy.gif (498x460, 2.69M)

No, I sound a lot more like a woman in my mother tongue which I don't even use in everyday life, but in English I sound like a fag.

>Be me
>Study linguistics at school
>Decide to take classes in German & Japanese
>Voice goes deeper in both languages

I'm told I have a naturally high male voice and with some training it could pass but the other languages I speak I just go lower. It sucks I won't be able to ever use them when I'm not boymoding

> axis powers only
I have this same problem now that I’m trying to pick up new language (really everything on Duolingo but especially Japanese).

>Axis powers
Does is help that my grandmother and grandfather were Italian. They escaped Italy during ww2. Sadly I know no Italian.

my personality changes radically when i switch languages, and yes i feel a lot more like a faggot than a woman when im speaking my mother tongue
i lived for 18 years as a male speaking my mother lang, then moved to america and immediately started girlmoding fulltime as well. probably definitely has an effect

my english voice is kinda fem but my portuguese is totally male

ETL here. I sound most fem in swedish, with english in the middle and german I sound masc :/

Imaginare no sapere parlar italiano quando si tratta solo di muovere le tui mani.

mamma mia

is mother tongue an ESL term? I swear I never hear native English speakers say it

It's not, it's common in BrE. AmE speakers use something else, like first language or native language. Mother language is ESL af.

I'm British and I've never heard it besides from ESL speakers

It's referenced as the mother tongue in the official Canadian census data.
>While 20.6% of Canadians (6.8 million people) reported a mother tongue other than English or French, only 6.2% of Canadians spoke a language other than English or French as their sole home language.
Shit's weird.

minha voz fica mto melhor em inglês

It is a standard english term that seems to be more commonly used by ESLs than native speakers
Personally i think very low of the informal english spoken by natives
"Have went" instead of "have gone"
"If i was"
"You and me" (as the subject)
"To not do"
Not using "whom" properly
Not understanding that comma usage has strict and well defined rules
Absolutely barbaric

For all the retards, im joking

>For all the retards, im joking
awww i was about to post a vocaroo exaggerating my southern accent as a joke

yes I'm not trans but my voice is higher when i speak english

It used to happen to me, including some cognitive processes
When it stopped happening i started to mix up the languages i know

Weirdly tho my speech got more masc sounding for 2 days randomly and i couldn't make it work without it sounding forced