I started to suspect that mbti is total bullshit. Mostly because people act differently in diffetent surroundings

I started to suspect that mbti is total bullshit. Mostly because people act differently in diffetent surroundings.
For example, E and I. In company of close friends I speak a lot, often more than others. And I'd prefer to be with people I like than alone. But I dont have much friends, I am not able to make new ones and I am not very talkative in group of people I am not close to, so I look shy and quiet to most people. (Now I lost all my friends and spend all time alone not leaving my house and imagining how my mom would be upset when finds my dead body is the only thing which stops me from kms)
Same thing with T and F. Around people I am not close to, I act totally logically and close off all my emotions. When alone, sometimes act emotionally, sometimes logically. And in group of friends, I really enjoy to not care and just do what I want.
And xxxPs are just xxxJs with adhd. Like, if I listened to advices of my therapist about making daily routine task list/calendar, I'd be J.
And only one real thing is S/N. S people are retards who dont see nothing except what's under their foot and I feel sad for them.

So tests tell I am intp and I agree with them, but if I wasnt avoidant sociophobic outcast who represses their emotions, I would be enfp. And I think most people, especially fucked ones, could relate to this.

Attached: A3C1381B-C2E4-4EDD-9459-DA437A7225D2.jpg (1170x1240, 680.64K)

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take a test based on cognitive functions not letter matchups

Like which one?
And I suspect that only S/N is about cognition. In COGNITIVE test everyone would think, not feel and it wouldnt test social aspect of E/I or your adhd i.e J/P.



mbti is for horrorscope moronic yuppies

No shit sherlock


It litterally is a incomplete application of emotions onto the real world before humans even understood the brain.

interesting point

very cool* is what i meant to say

finna dont know how to spell *

no duh






He looks younger here but no less attractive.

post too long, touch grass.


Touch dead bodies on the grass.

So you've mentioned, seems to be a gamer in this pic, wonder if his piss fixation made him shape up and get an education as an endo.

He’s in moscow

he should drink up before the bombs drop, in that case. shame he found his passion so late in life.

fuck off