Why do I really want to be a girl or tranny for about a month and then feel like I shouldn't be taking hrt the next...

Why do I really want to be a girl or tranny for about a month and then feel like I shouldn't be taking hrt the next month? I do this in a endless cycle
Quitting and retaking hrt like 4 times in the past 12 months
Why do my tranny thoughts come and go so strongly? Idk what to do

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dysphoria naturally fluctuates, stick with it, even during the times that your dysphoria isn't too bad

What if I regret it though?
I wish there was away to take hrt and keep a flat chest then there would be zero consequences to taking it.
Longest I've taken it without stopping was 4 months
Longest I've stopped before starting again was also almost 4 months lmao

Okay I’m sorry but this happens a lot because for a lot of trannies the desire to transition stems from TESTOSTERONE.

As it drops your desire drops.
That’s why transitioning mostly works for HSTS cuties because they don’t really care for them being cute and sucking D is their goal in life either way.Estrogen will always work for them and they will always be able to focus on their looks and suck D.

What should I do?

if you regret it then you get top surgery and go off of E. dont let fear of possible regret stop you from happiness

You feel less dysphoric because you're on E. You see this often with depression meds, people start and then stop because they think they don't need them anymore, when in reality you feel better because the hormones are working

So you're scared of boobs because they permanently mark you as female? I'm guessing you're not out to people.

If you want to be female you get boobs and that's actually great and you need to plan on how to get over the social hump. If you don't want to be female sorry but estrogen isn't for you.

>What should I do?
that person is trolling/lying, ignore them

You just need to find a way to fucking know what you really want.
It’s your body.you should know whether you want it soft and curvy or angular,muscular and strong
Some agp testosterone driven do good they just accept the changes and it still works for them even tough they not as horny/exited/high about being the other gender.

I'd never be able to afford that and that would give me a disgusting pooner deformed chest

Sometimes boobs seem like they would be nice but overall no.
Is estrogen really not for me if I want every effect besides boobs? I feel disgusting even with just a bit of facial hair


I want it soft and curvy.
Being strong with a tiny bit of muscle while being soft and curvy could be nice to.
Angular is disgusting though

That doesn't work and is really unhealthy from all I've heard.
Plus I have no clue where to get that diy

do the vendors on hrt.cafe not work for you? also yeah raloxifene is like 50/50 but there's nothing better

High dose injections haven't seemed to be working either. I might try it from hrt cafe but I don't want to get cancer or whatever from it.
And knowing me years down the line I'll regret not having tits

At this point I need force femed

Lot's of girls want flat chests

High dose injections, stunted my growth when I was rocking 2000pg/ml+ levels. It's not dangerous either. But by stunting I mean they just make your boobs smaller than what they would be otherwise, which doesn't mean they dont grow.

But really, you should just accept them. Most femboys do, and most trannies do, but some are scared at first.
If you only are afraid do to social reasons, is it because you wont ever pass? Your scared to make the transition to a woman?
Because if it's the second, the awkward in-between period, doesn't last forever.
People knowing your trans isn't a big deal either, you get used to it.

I guess being trans itself feels weird to me
I just wish I was a actual girl.
But I'm afraid I'll repress and be John 50.
People related to me typically go from Twink to ogre somewhere in there late 20s

It's probably because I'm so autistic and recluse I'm afraid to do anything other than exist and try to blend in as much as possible

If you really want every effect but boobs I really encourage you to examine why. Memes aside it won't turn you into a twink it's a female hormone it's going to make you female. Don't do something stupid and permanently stunt them because you're scared now.

if you want to be an actual girl you need to get over the fear that somebody will notice your boobs