Does anyone else cringe at these?

Does anyone else cringe at these?

Attached: 3B7E9C46-C025-4C17-9DF1-59BFD089F8D6.jpg (686x969, 148.38K)

they're cringy but still based

Absolutely nothing to cringe at, you should be stockpiling guns and ammo right now

The average white trans women is not in danger. Maybe if they were in a third world country but this is kinda cringe.

Nah, they're based.
An armed minority is harder to oppress, after all.

I’m pro-guns for all citizens but like all other post-2020 tranny memes this fucking sucks and the creator should be embarrassed of themself.

>stop the bleed courses
obligatory dilation joke here

based af im buying a glock tonight

>try to become female
>instead completely fail and still do entirely masculine things

Pretty much everything trannies do is cringe.
Beat me to it.

it's mega fucking cringe because it's ultimately all made by libs. a whole bunch of shit like this got posted when they banned transitioning for young people. it's virtue signalling in the most literal sense.
"oh the entire weight of the media and the government is pressing down on you, just have a gun and it'll solve your problems"
it looks like it was made by anarchists and anarchists are fucking cringe


Everything created after 2015 is objectively cringe

Also, tampons were first invented to plug gunshot wounds

>Everything after 2014 is objectively cringe

It's pretty cringe. desu im just tired of it all and don't really care what happens.

No, they weren't.
Also you don't just stick cotton into an open wound.

I literally do not give a shit. What the fuck are these people going to do to me? Oh wow, they're batshit insane. Great. I genuinely believe without a doubt that my violent actions against these "people" are Holy Assignments given from a graceful yet wrathful God who wishes to use me as his agent to purify his creation. (satire)
>t. Any Forumstourist

>t. Any Forumstourist
Take your pills, Alice.

I don't enjoy being feminine in any capacity. I'm still stuck in the aughts with my level of closeted homosexuality

>digitally induced shizophrenia

the point of all of these LARP agitprop images is that they're cringe, whether they're fascist, communist, or neoliberal

it was there to begin with
>Asperger-like symptoms as a child
>most causes are checked off

Attached: 1242623753566755647865.jpg (400x400, 26.22K)

it's so over user i'm sorry

eh whatever. it's given me great abilities in a good deal of things, so I'm satisfied.

I mean the meme is a meme, but its true. I remember making out with a trans woman and she told me she carries because she was assaulted before over being trans. I'm huge into firearms so like, this was a total + for me

Honestly If every sane trans girl had a gun transphobia would go away pretty quickly