/gaygen/ - police bf edition

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>police bf edition

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im trying to use my imagination but nothing seems that good


>these chins
>those ears
>that giraffe neck
Women must be stopped

think of heart dominating you. he has your hands tied behind the chair you're sitting on and you have tape on your mouth. he shakes his ass on your dick to tease you. you get hard. then he pulls out his whip and starts punishing you but this only makes you harder so he decides to ride your cock until you cum deep inside of him

lol why heart in particular


Domestic violence edition, nice

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its not so much a journey as it is me getting sad and exercising randomly, but then never following through on a routine
although, in a sense, a vicious cycle is a type of routine

Doesn't look like lesbian edition to me

hot tho
not that im a sub

why dont u follow thru on a routine?

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I’m always so jealous when I hear that a foid got beat up by her bf it’s so hard to find good tops

>womans childs locks himselfs into apartments
>police are called to opin dorr
>2 cops arrive
>they tower over me and i'm 180 cm
>bring out a 140 cm crowbar and snap the door in half in one second

I'm so sick of hearing about how government workers suddenly become ethical and competent heroes because they were just smart enough to qualify for a uniform and sidearm. Las Vegas, Parkland... these assholes strut around like they are law and order and then cower like bitches while children are being murdered. The fucking Vegas shooter literally got bored waiting to be gunned down for two hours. But if its one skinny student waving a sign, they will stack up 40 deep on him to show what badasses they are. Uniforms dont make heroes. They are typically pussies and fuck if that isnt why most of them want the job in the first goddam place.

i forget to

Lesbians have the lowest rates of domestic violence, tranny.

fuckin horrendous art

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imagining topping men or women
still bored
maybe not in the mood

The US is a third world country

try burning the coal then

dont forget

report cuz thread ended

>I say i'm in love with him, he's not, but we agree to remain friends

>20 days later he tells me how his life is going better because of his new boyfriend
>call him out cuz that fucking hurt, up until a month ago i thought i could be the one in that position
>HE'S hurt cause i made that comment

imagine heart topping you with a strap-on

the way skunk will not participate in this thread

i thought heart had an 8 inch dick