As an afab enbie i've noticed a lot of hate here for us and ftm's and i just have to ask.. why...

As an afab enbie i've noticed a lot of hate here for us and ftm's and i just have to ask.. why? It cant be good for image if you want to become a woman but you also hate us for making our own choices

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if it's actually ftms making these concerntroll posts, why do you automatically blame us? do you hate us that much
i feel like it's just chuds or glowniggers trying to cause rivarly though

I want to impregnate you so fucking badly please father my sons and daughters.

Because it’s mostly just chasers on here who are obsessed with cock and don’t respect anyone that aren’t sexually appealing to them.

I'm venting my frustration that I wasn't born like you if I'm being honest. You should still call it out though

It's jealousy user. Don't pay it any attention, bitterhons on this board are out of control. IRL trannies, both mtf and ftm, as well as enbies etc get along great.

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I don't hate ftms or afab enbies. Generalizing isn't cool op

That’s going to get you literally nowhere though. It makes you seem jealous and unapproachable.

I'm jealous. To have a point and female ratio and be able to be a dude about my feelings towards girls .

i feel like 99% of the most unhinged posts on this board are glowies

not op, but good on you for being self-aware. i'm wishing you a nice day.

It’s a combination of jealousy that we’re AFAB and frustration that we’re throwing AFABness away, and the generally cringy online behavior of FTMs.

This gets sublimated into schizorants, mostly. The actual pooner memes and more direct anti-FTM content is made by ourselves mostly. It’s part of board culture for FTMs to violently mock ourselves.

The way you wrote that implies you consider yourself a woman

have to wonder though, how many of them IRL spit that shit on here or secretly feel this way?

/tttt/ is a safe space for amab incels

im mtf and theyfabs are mostly fine by me. my only problem is with cisexual, fem presenting, nontransitioning theyfabs who think they can speak on trans issues(usually as an excuse to be either transphobic, a chaser, or both)

pretty sure it’s meant to be reflective of how other people refer to them

I don't dislike AFAB or FtM people at all
But please realise 90%+ of this board are mentally unhinged perverted late transitioning "transbians" and not good representatives of AMAB LGBT people.

No, its just fembrain wanting attention

You're energy vampires and you suck the fun out of everything. As far as ftms are concerned Terje, TP, boris and maybe joe are the only ones with a decent sense of humor and interesting life. The rest of them come off as women.

I don't hate transmascs, I have about the same number of transmasc friends as I do transfem friends

You were right about everything else but TERJE?????? SENSE OF HUMOR??????? That guy’s more schizo that homeless folks at the New York metro

Not many, /tttt/ type of troon is the lowest of all troons, also they don't leave their rooms and mostly think about roping.

He's fine without the meth. The guy always has something interesting to talk about.

Luv women.
Luv men.
Luv trans women.
'ate trans men (not phobic, just don't like 'em).
Simple as.

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Everyone on this board always takes the bait no matter how retarded it is

really ironic that im not even sure i wanna be a girl but i still think ftms are super based

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