Why are conservatives always into the exact same things they want to ban?

why are conservatives always into the exact same things they want to ban?

dailyrake. ca/2022/05/25/warning-gross-nick-fuentes-caught-watching-tranny-porn-no-really/

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this is about nick fuentes, in case you are too lazy to open the article

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I wish I could do that to Nick Fuentes…

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We know how bad it is and want to protect others.

Thats just acting dumbass, hes watching an act. Nothing sexual going on there.


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My conservatism is driven by what my morbid curiosity has led me to encounter.

the same reason why cissoid het men hate women. they lust after them and hate themselves for it, but putting down the object of their fantasies means they don't have to evaluate their own feelings

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Hating things you obsess over and feel are taboo is pretty normal.

Because they have a distorted view of the past and don't realize that what they are doing has always been normal
Instead they glorify the past and claim that everything has gone to shit
Why do they focus on the things they are into? Because it's their interests, duh
But they think it's morally wrong and don't admit that its their interest

>dude who talks about how "liking girls is gay" and is a volcel likes cock
is anyone surprised?

>watching trannies get fucked for hours "has always been normal"
Lefties are high on their own supply.

Normal for some people, not the population as a whole
Trannies and gays have existed for millennia

No it isn't retard the internet is new. People didn't have unlimited porn and confirmation bias media at any other point in history.

>Trannies and gays have existed for millennia
Yeah, and they have been persecuted, beaten and killed for the same length too.

Not always. It depended on the culture

who knows

Are there any cultures that accept trans people and don't suck and just get pushed around by manly countries?

>Sumer sucked
>the Scythians sucked
>Rome sucked
holy cope

None of these peoples currently exist so yeah they failed.

Who watches them get fucked for hours?

God I actually never followed this annoying retard and yet I still know he debunked everything after a minute.
