What are your best ftm repper copes

What are your best ftm repper copes

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calling LeBron a faggot for choking in the 4th quarter

take your shots Aiden
god you are so pathetic, either grow some balls and repress like a real man instead of crying here for help or accept who you are and poon out


Take your shots Aiden

AHAHA you really thought you could repress for your transbian gf

becoming a handsome man

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You’re picture looks like the Great Khali, if thinking a handsome man is a mongoloid go ahead kekswwv2

>he doesn't know gigachad
user I'm worried for you

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I can. I will

>repressing to make a partner happy instead of pursuing your own happiness
lol, lmao even

not you again

This is pursing my own happiness though

would she even want you to repress

Well no. But that doesn't matter

I have yet to read a single good ftm repper cope what the fuck

there aren't any, you have to poon out.

but why

repression will just make you unhappy

>No one wants a dickless """man""" lol
>Also becoming a hairy manlet is double lol, imagine dwarfmoding lol
>unlike mtfs, ftms have an appreciable detransition rate, so you could really be fucking your life up over nothing
>Testosterone decreases your ability to feel empathy, bond with others, and feel a wide range of emotions
>Your gf will leave you
Imagine trading your humanity and gf in to be a low tier hairy rapebeast when you can be a perfectly ok woman.

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none, because I'm ugly and have a good shot at passing