What the fuck did they put in the water that caused boys to develop like this?

What the fuck did they put in the water that caused boys to develop like this?

Attached: IMG_20220411_235840.jpg (3488x4640, 3.59M)

It's unironically the hormones in the meats.


Whatever it is, it’s not enough, that chest’s too flat

birth control

I thought it was the water
Oh yeah
It'd just be a girl then
Are you sure

twinks haven't been documenting themselves for more than a generation or two, i don't think this phenomenon is new.

idk but i didnt get it and it makes me wanna kms

This isn't next exactly.
But EMF pollution eventually lowers testosterone.
Microplastics and a plethora of endocrine disrupting chemicals in our enviroments, and living spaces.
On top our food and water.
Food additives, and livestock hormones too also add to it all.
There's more, but it's safe to say, men are hormonally being destroyed.

arent meats injected with growth hormones or something to make the meat larger so like, it should be the opposite effect.

bro if all that's true we're not being hormonally destroyed we're being blessed by the chemical gods of femininity

It’s the angles, it’s just a skinny kid. Photos are deceiving.

this is practically a mug-shot, the camera is facing his belly from the dead centre of the frame, what angle? a full frontal one?

Idk iirc he has posted more pics from other angles and still had good hips

nooo you cant demonstrate a basic understanding of optical distortion

you have to be the single dumbest person to ever live if you think thats all angles

>tfw eatened meat every single day of my life
this is unironically the first skizo theory to ever make sense to me

The thing is it isn't a straight fixed amount for everybody.
Not every one of those compounds will feminize you in a meaningful way.
Alot of it is depending on your age and exposure.
A lot of them are really bad for you too, they have estrogenic effects on testosterone supressing effects, on top of all there other body fucking up effects.

I wouldn't call it a blessing by any means.
Now a stunted puberty... a blessing ^_^

FUCK i should stop flushing my cum down the toilet, look what its done

Attached: fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood-ed-x-winry.gif (498x278, 1.1M)

that one femboy on twitter really makes me wanna go back in time and give myself a cancerous blood disease fr pubery should be banned it's not fair

3 billion males
Bell curve

>it’d just be a girl then

kys chaser

I understand the feeling, there are lots of options for when we were younger.
Personally I'd just castrate my self, as my poor health during my teen years has made life many times harder than it should be.
But I do say I look good for starting hrt when I did...