Progressive order is crumbling

>progressive order is crumbling
>all the old institutions have discredited themselves
>everyone is sick of byzantine moral codes where doctrine is decided without regard for efficacy, blatant nonsense must be treated as law, and trivialities are enforced with death
>everyone is sick of cancelmob outrage culture where some yellow journo faggot stirs up the bottom percentile of retards to go make everyone's lives miserable
>a coalition of malcontents and skeptics are giving real thought to new political ideas
>le new world struggles to be born

>coalition immediately blows everything on seething at trannies, selling out to whatever foreign powers will hear them, and foregrounding the absolute dumbest and most repulsive creatures you've ever witnessed, beasts you're pretty sure didn't exist even at the height of the fucking Bush era

Why must things be like this

Attached: Just two boybosses contemplating the grind.png (1245x924, 1.77M)

lol you chose the wrong elite, you're complaining about controlled oppo

hey everybody this guy doesn't know how to find the hidden elite in waiting! what a schmuck

anyway anti-tranny shit will inherently be a part of any successful reactionary movement as the peeds are using it as a lever to destroy youth

can you rephrase that in something other than think-about-the-children sporocarp popping

no because the winning team re-centers the family as the most important unit to preserve and protect

the troons that can chill and contribute get a begrudging pass, the rest of you are going to have a rough time

just lmao when people think this

it won't happen capitalism will keep burning down institutions but even if they somehow did re-center the family, the neuroses that creates will produce degeneracy much worse than trannies and we will sit here and laugh

I hope you won't get stuck in that phase, and won't fall too deep in the other edgelordian phases either

and i hope you grow enough balls to demand what the future promised

oh no dogg you're still on early 20th century ideology you gotta update that shit the managers have assumed control

our modern neuroses are a product of homogenization, atomization, and excess. family and community in times of scarcity form strong bonds

you're right that the people without these bonds will descend even further into hedonism, which strips them of any ability to participate in the political process :)

yeah we're all gonna have good families and neighbors and then our problems will be solved :)

yeah that's how we win. good luck with your thing, you'll need it

yeah the "winning team" spews saccharine high modernist forced memes about the virtues of genetic sharecropperism at the expense of individual liberty (and actually existing family units, assuming you have a repperson who'd you prefer not grow up to be insane)

"family and community" as in whatever braindead policyfags think will bring in a chrome crop and not the actually existing families and communities that these pretenders are respectively "resettling like fucking aboriginals" and "blood-libeling in order to make them illegal". our modern neuroses are a product of homogenization and atomization which is why we need to homogenize and atomize the shit out of everything at the behest of wattle-necked snake handlers. god damn why did I bother

I hope you grow enough experience to realize when you're being a useful idiot

better than just being an idiot

they will 100% use either this Texas shit or the next glowup to sell you on infinitely expansive "mental illness" based red flag laws so I don't think you have much room to talk

im politically retarded are you guys fascists

everyone in this thread is not necessarily a pseudointellectual but is desperately underinformed and probably very young in age

>a coalition of malcontents and skeptics are giving real thought to new political ideas
>coalition immediately blows everything on seething at trannies, selling out to whatever foreign powers will hear them, and foregrounding the absolute dumbest and most repulsive creatures you've ever witnessed
You're talking about two different groups of people here

true, that's why I recommend not being either
swing and a miss, buddy

this whole thread is just confusing to me

high modernism is peak atomization d00d. anyone calling for a return to the 1950's advertisement version of a family is braindead

> the virtues of genetic sharecropperism at the expense of individual liberty
what the hell are you talking about lmao

Can rightists speak in anything but word salad forced insular memes?
Every post in this thread reads like it was written by a machine learning algorithm randomly fed posts from cringe faux edgy "intellectual dark web" twitter. I mean I guess everyone who says shit like "the woke mob" sounds like that lol but I've genuinely seen no evidence to suggest you aren't all chatbots.

>political process
you can't seriously be talking about electoral politics are you

i was groomed by groypers

of course not.....

groymed, if you will

so what political process are you thinking of where families are conducive to it? because to me it seems like they get in the way of most organizing and especially direct action

you deserve it